22. Mind vs heart

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Note: I am extremely sorry for disappearing for the last few days. Never short of drama in my life I guess. I had a small accident last Thursday. This stupid lady at the gym reversed into my car(fortunately or unfortunately I had taken my mum's car that day😁)and I had a mild concussion,I was rushed to the emergency. I had a good rest for a few days and then in the last couple of days, I have been busy as this is my brother's wedding week. Yayy! I am excited, I love weddings! I will try to give another update this week before the end of all the wedding ceremonies.

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional.

Warning about kissing scenes in the first part of the story. Skip the first part if you are under 16!

Sivaangi opened her eyes and found herself wrapped in a pair of strong arms, with her back feeling the warmth of the toned chest of this man whom she really wanted to slap for making her feel lonely. She tried to turn around to look at the owner of those arms. One arm held her hips to stop her from moving against him and the other arm wrapped across her chest held her tightly with his hand clutching her shoulder.

A: Stop grinding on me!

Sivaangi was furious now.

The nerve of this man! He left me alone to cry myself to sleep last night and now he demands I stop moving, when he is the one holding me so close to him.

Sivaangi used all of her strength to remove his hold on her but failed miserably. He was amused with her efforts to push him away. She could feel the smug look on his face even without looking at him.

S: What is so funny?

She felt him shaking his head and smiling into her hair.

S: Yes, it is physically impossible for me to push a man who is twice my size. You should be ashamed of yourself for holding me down like this because of being stronger than me.

The choice of words did the trick. Ashwin feeling hurt by her statement loosened his grip and let go off her. She moved out of the bed and started walking away from the bed without looking at him.

A: Don't you dare walk away.

Sivaangi turned around, raised her brows.

S: Really? Night vitutu odunathu yaaru?

She grabbed her portable JBL speaker from the side table and threw it at him which he caught right on time.

A: Do not do that ever again!

Sivaangi picked her power bank, aiming it at him but he rolled out of bed and was beside her in a nanosecond, gripping her wrist. She fisted her other hand and started punching his shoulder. It did no harm to his body but he grabbed her other wrist too and yanked her hands behind her back.

A: Stop it! I don't like this.

S: And I don't like what you did to me last night, you fool.

A: Sivaangi, I swear to God, you are making me angry now.

S: Screw you!

A: I am serious. Don't say another word. Just shut up!

S: Make me.

And he did shut her up, with his lips.

His eyes blazed as he pressed into her and she fell on the bed with him on top of her. His head dipped down and his lips kissed hers, rough and hard. He let go off her wrists and his hands worked its way on her skin.

Ashaangi in my eyesWhere stories live. Discover now