18. Spa day🥰😜😍

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Rating 16+ Not entirely sure if this needs a rating but warning that it (maybe) does have some adult material!

Ashwin closed his eyes and let out a deep audible breath as her tiny fists were giving him a sensual back massage. Who would have imagined that this coy young woman would have thought of a wicked plan like a home spa for him!

Ashwin was truly surprised when she took the blindfold off his eyes. With all the blackout curtains pulled down, the dark bedroom had a few scented candles dimly lighting the room, and setting the moods with all the rose petals on the bed and the calming music playing in a low volume on her portable speakers. He saw the tray of aroma oils, lotions and the fresh towels neatly placed next to the bed, and he understood that she was prepared to give him a relaxing massage! He stood there amazed at what she had done for him. Sivaangi wrapped her arms around his right bicep and looked up at him expectantly.

S: Do you like it?

A: Like it? I love it!! Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a surprise like this. Baby, you make me feel special every day!

S: Can you stop the talking and get ready for a nice massage? Don't get your hopes up though. My tiny hands aren't suited for something like this. When I massage Sundar's head, he makes fun of me. He says its not even soothing. But I want to do this for you, or atleast try to do it. So..

Ashwin put his finger on her lips to silence her.

A: Shhh! I don't care. I don't expect a sports massage therapist for an injury or a professional therapeutic massage. I am excited about even a backrub from you! You have no idea how thrilled I am right now.

S: Don't put me on the spot now. Come on, undress.

A: Ooohh! Someone is getting dominant right now!

S: Ashwin, I feel really shy. Don't push your luck with all this teasing. Undress before I change my mind.

While she was pretending to be busy with getting everything ready for the massage, Ashwin sensed that she was nervous. He walked to her and pulled her for a warm hug.

A: Ma, you don't have to do it you are uncomfortable or nervous.

S: Nervous, yes. Uncomfortable, no. I just hope you are not disappointed.

A: I know I won't be. Even if you back out now, I won't be.

She shook her head and Ashwin kissed her forehead before going to change into his shorts in the bathroom, just to give her a few minutes to calm her nerves. She quickly changed into his tee and boxers she had picked earlier that morning, and took a deep breath and counted to ten. The few minutes of alone time was helpful to feel confident again.

Ashwin lay on his stomach with his arms on his side and his head turned to one side. She seated herself on his side initially and her hands shook as she took some of the warm scented lavender oil. She placed her hands on his broad shoulders and started rubbing the oil gently down along the muscles of his spine. She heard him release the breath he was holding for a while. She felt his muscles loosen up as she stroked his skin with her light touches. She felt confident that he was enjoying it.

She straddled his back and bent down letting her front touch his back, she placed a small kiss on his shoulder and whispered into his ears.

S: Do you like it?

Ashwin nodded his head with his eyes still closed. She kissed his earlobes and sat up straddling him again.

She drizzled a few drops oil on his back and distributed it with her fingers, applying whatever pressure she could, starting from his shoulder blades and moving down his back all the way to his waist. She was trying to judge his responses to make sure that she wasn't hurting him or doing the wrong thing. She placed her hands flat on his skin and her fingers move up to his back all the way up to his neck alternating between light and hard pressure following the natural contours of his body.

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