5. Queen of My Heart💜

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This chapter is my impression of Sivaangi. I wanted to finish this chapter on this beautiful babydoll's birthday! Hope you all enjoy it! And most importantly, appreciate all the support from my lovely readers. Thank you!

I want to spend my lifetime with you. Stop running from me, my love!

Ashwin lay on the bed and closed his eyes in frustration that Sivaangi wasn't picking his call yet again. He replayed the events of the evening in his head.

He was looking for her in the sets for an entire hour and started worrying when he found her phone in the room as she never parts her phone. Everyone had left and he was truly panicking and he contemplated calling Pugazh who was in the neighbouring set to come back to the CWC sets, when he found his girl curled up in a ball under the tree. He ran as fast he could and gathered her in his arms and what he saw in her eyes broke him completely. The eyes that used to shine so bright was cold and distant. He carried her back to her room, told her that he was going to help her out of the wet clothes. She stood up, rummaged through her bag and found a pair of tracks and tees and walked into the bathroom wordlessly.

What was that look of disgust when she picked her clothes?

He heard the shower running and her muffled cries. He sat on the bed holding his head between his hands and tried hard to think of all the possible things that could have happened in the last hour. When she left his room, she was visibly cheerful. She was humming a lovely tune that must have reminded her of him because she was biting her lower lip a tiny bit which she usually does only when someone teases her with her mannar. He mustered up the courage to talk to her directly when she is out of the shower. After what felt like an eternity, Sivaangi walked out of the bathroom looking ethereal! Her puffy eyes, red nose, beautiful clear skin and wet hair made him weak on his knees. He stepped forward to hold her and as though reading his mind, she turned around and her hand gestured him to stop coming any closer. She took a deep breath and looked up, her dull eyes welling up.

I am done! I have no strength left in me. Please I beg of you.. Let me go!

Her dad walked in just then and she quickly turned the other way and wiped her tears and pretended to pack her bag. Ashwin said a formal hello and her dad thanked him for waiting with her. He enquired about Ashwin's bandaged palm and they discussed the day's events for a couple of minutes and said their byes. Sivaangi walked towards the door without even looking at Ashwin.

Ashwin's mind screamed for her to look at him just once. He couldn't read her thoughts.

Kannamma, please! Don't do this to us. Please look at me!

As if there was a telepathic communication, she turned around, biting her lips hard and looked into his eyes and said the words he was dreading the most.

Goodbye Ashwin.

Ashwin was rooted to the spot feeling completely heartbroken. He came back to his senses only when his phone started ringing. He fished his phone out of his pocket. It was Tanu.

When Tanu and Martin reached the deserted sets, they found an emotionally broken man on the floor crying his heart out. They took him home with them and Tanu refused to leave him alone even for a second. She was going to call Sivaangi's parents who have been friends with her for over a decade and a half when Martin stopped her and told her that it wasn't her place to sort out the misunderstanding. Tanu left the guest room not before giving him a much needed warm hug and promised to be there for him no matter what. Martin wasn't ready to leave Ashwin alone yet. He noticed Ashwin being extremely quiet and he clearly was in deep emotional pain. Martin was worried about this vulnerable man self sabotaging his love at this point. Martin spent a good hour to convince Ashwin to calm his emotions and when he felt composed and collected, he was asked to call Sivaangi and get to the bottom of the problem. Martin tried to do some small talk to ease Ashwin's mind.

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