27. No longer two but one💜

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Warning: There is no explicit content but I am posting a 18+ warning for those who might find descriptive language offensive or unsuitable. I am not going to write anything raunchy, it is meant to be sensual but I am sure not everyone would want to read it. Your personal choice to read or skip it xx

Ashwin cursed himself as he woke up to switch off his alarm.

Who sets an alarm for the morning after his wedding night with his wife! Dai Ashwin, vellila therinja adutha rendu varushathuku, unna vechu seivaanga. Shame on you!

His blurry vision landed on his darling wife's messy hair. He had his left hand under the pillow with her head resting on his arm and his other arm around her bare waist. He kissed her shoulder lightly and rubbed his chin on her smooth skin making her squirm in her sleep. He reminisced their lovemaking from the previous night as he looked at the way they were tucked together, with her back sticking to his front. As much as he loved how his fingers were splayed on her tummy, he had to remove it, to switch off the alarm which was disturbing her sleep. His hand reached for the phone to stop the ringing alarm as Sivaangi turned around in his arms. He was fully awake feeling the supple length of her fullness against his body. He was turned on at the memories of how she matched his desires last night. But he tried his best to control his hormones at the sight of her sleeping like a baby, not wanting to be woken up or disturbed.

His hand caressed her cheeks making her lean into his palm, unconsciously enjoying the warmth of his skin.

Blissful to wake up to this angelic creature sleeping beside me!

He looked down and he could feel her heartbeat against his chest.

Oh god! This sort of intimacy makes me feel complete.

His dark eyes lingered on the slightly parted lips and she smiled in her sleep.

Must be dreaming of me. Or us!

His thumb traced the contours of her lips and then he finally took her lips in a kiss not withstanding the sweet torment any longer. She woke up, responding to the kiss like it was a beautiful dream. When he moved away, her eyes fluttered open meeting his smoldering eyes which also had a hint of amusement.

A: Morning sunshine!

S: Morning.

Her meek voice with her downcast eyes made him understand that she felt a tiny bit shy about the whole idea of waking up stark naked next to a man.

A: Don't look down. You look amazing.

There is no escaping his powerful gaze and he held his eye contact not looking away.

There was no stopping now that they were married. His eyes and hands are free to wander all over me. And not to mention his mouth! Not that I am complaining.

As though reading her mind, he told her in his deep bedroom voice that he doesn't mind her doing the same to him.

Taking cue from his statement, she stroked her hands across the muscles on his chest making him groan and his hand slid down her back, pulling her closer. As hunger surged inside him, he rolled her over and moved on top of her, wedging a knee between hers. He trailed a finger down her sternum making her grab his shoulders, pulling him down towards her. Taking lead, his head dipped down and he took them into a world of a newfound passion.

Anjali knocked at their door not sure of what to expect. It was close to noon and they hadn't stepped out yet. She was informed by her parents that the Krishnakumars were expecting the newly weds at 2 pm. Sivaangi opened the door and Anjali was glad she was showered and fully dressed.

Ashaangi in my eyesWhere stories live. Discover now