29. Trust what you love

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Sorry for the delay, absolutely swamped with work the entire week.

Again, a sensitive topic in this update. I have read some comments from some of these lovely women out there commenting on the stress a woman goes through during pregnancies. But I want to cover about how people in a real society view it. They are mostly scathing remarks which makes it worse for the woman in question. So this would be my approach if it was me.

Please ignore the mistakes in this update, I had no time to even proofread it.

She really did not want a baby now.

A hard pill to swallow but Ashwin was determined that it was her decision to make.

They stayed quiet, their heartbeats suddenly loud and noticeable in the silence prevailing in the room.

Their hearts felt like they were literally pounding, each for it's own reason. The deafening silence was broken by the sound of his phone vibrating. Ashwin tried to ignore it but when it continuously vibrated, his face showed displeasure at being disturbed while he picked the phone, ready to show his annoyance at whoever it was on the other end.


He barked into the phone.

Tanu: AK! Are you ok?

A: Tanu?

T: What time are you guys coming? Do you still want to go out or just stay at home? How is she feeling?

Ashwin signalled at Sivaangi to move and got out of the bed, walked to the balcony and shut the door behind him. She watched him walk away, now standing outside with his back facing her and just like that, she felt hot tears running down her face. She assumed the worst.

He hates me! What have I done!

A: Tanu..

T: Are you okay? You don't sound alright. Is Sivaangi fine? Is the baby okay?

A: She doesn't want the baby.


Ashwin stayed silent, staring into the skies. The warm, orange tinge of the tranquil evening skies that usually makes him happy failed to lift his spirits.

He felt soaked to the skin with such intense emotions.

Martin: AK?


M: Ashwin!!! Are you there? Can you hear me?

A: Yes.

M: Listen, just don't do anything now that you would regret later. Stay with her. We will be there in about an hour.

What now? What do I tell her? Let us abort our baby? Is that what she wants? Yes, of course, she has forever discussed about not wanting any children yet. So, this definitely is a mistake isn't it?

She is more important than the baby so if that is going to make her feel better, then that is the only solution. Do I have it in me to never blame her or bring this up in the future?  It will crush her if I ever did that to her.

He had too many painful thoughts in his head that he was starting to feel empty. A sense of nothingness.


Why am I feeling indifferent?

Indifference is heading into a dangerous territory in a relationship. He knew he had to forget the pain and not numb it.

Ashaangi in my eyesWhere stories live. Discover now