15. Beautiful morning hues

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Warning: I don't know if I should add a rating . No explicit content. But some of the stuff is probably going to sound kinky and I don't exactly know if it is acceptable among all the readers. Please skip it if you are not up for it! Thanks!

A: Ma, akka unkita ketta theriyumnu sonna.

(Akka says you will know.)

S: Let me think. What colour tshirt are you looking for? And why do you sound annoyed now?

A: I am not annoyed, I am late for the game. I want the red tshirt that I wear to football.

S: Oh.. It is in that second drawer on the left side of your wardrobe. I left it alongside your gym clothes in there. Did you go to the gym today?

A: I did, but I couldn't do a proper workout, my body needs time to recover.

Found the tshirt, I will get ready now. Call you when I am back. Love you.

Ashwin was confused as to why she tried to organise his wardrobe.

Anjali said that Sivaangi had pulled out all my clothes and reorganised it, she isn't trying to act like my wife here considering she doesn't have the patience to declutter her own wardrobe! Definitely something suspicious.

After watching the game at a friend's house, Ashwin went back home, showered and then settled on his bed, feeling exhausted. He had recently recovered from what looked like a nasty viral infection that lasted nearly two long weeks and today was the first day in a month that he has had something close to a physical workout. He started shooting for a song early this week and luckily it wasn't a dance number so he got away with it.

His mind went back to the day he got sick, his sister who was supposed to go back home offered to stay back but he did not want to risk passing the infection to Neha and Nithin. In the end, Sanjay flew in to pick the kids while Anju decided to stay back to help him recover.

He recalled how Sivaangi threw a fit when she found out that he did not want her around. She marched into his apartment with her bags and refused to leave his side in spite of him telling her that its contagious.

S: If we were already married, would you send me back to my parents'?

A: It is a hypothetical question.

S: How is that hypothetical? This can happen again after we get married.

A: We will think about it then.

S: You don't need to take the wedding vows to stick together during sickness.

A: Please Sivaangi ma. I feel too tired to carry on with this argument.

S: See! You are sick and weak. How can you take care of yourself?

A: Anju is here to help me.

S: If she can stay here, why can't I?

A: What if you get sick too?

S: What if she does?

A: She is already exposed to it.

S: Not a convincing answer. I am not going anywhere until you are fit again.

Unless you want me to die of anxiety.

A: Do you have to be so melodramatic over a simple illness?

S: Ah! There you go! It is a simple illness so I am staying here.

Ashwin knew she wasn't going to give up and he was really tired to argue any further.

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