Chapter 5: Flashback #1

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You're off with Wanda and Nat following the meeting, trying to gain some intel on what has been going on with the attacks.  You look up from your work, to see both women staring at you.

"What's going on with you and Bucky?"  Nat asks with her arms folded.

"Ohhhhh, that's a long story."  You reply, looking back down at the desk in front of you.

"Well I have no where to be."  Nat says.  "Tell your story."

Sensing your trepidation, Wanda looks at you.

"You don't have to if you don't want to."  She says.

You think for a second before looking at both women.

"No it's fine," you say.  "It was going to come out anyway....
I've known Bucky a long time.  Since the war.  We were in the same research team, after he'd come back from battle.  We were part of a group of people, who were tested on."

You notice the women frowning at you.

"The tests were for a super serum."  You tell them both.  "It was to make us super soldiers.  We were forced to be tested on.  Well....I was forced.  Bucky wanted to become something more.  I did not.  I tried to fight, but they'd just sedate me and do it anyway.  On one of the last days I remember, I fought to get away.  They caught me....he caught me."

You take a moment to regain your composure-remembering those horrible times always stop you in your tracks.

"When I was forced back into the lab, they told me I'd never leave again-they didn't trust me not to tell authorities what they were doing obviously.  So they froze me in time.  Just like Bucky.  But the last thing I saw as I was being put into the chamber was him.  I shouted for him, and he just stood there.  He didn't fight for me, he just watched as they held me down.  The last thing I remember seeing was his face, staring at me unmoving, as I was frozen."

You look back at Wanda and Nat, and find them just staring at you.

"Please say something." You say to them both.

"I just.....I can't imagine how horrific that must have been for you." Wanda says, rubbing her face.

"I agree." Nat replies.  "I do however, also think you should speak to him about all of this.  I know you might not be fond of the idea, but you guys are now part of a team, working together.  You have to be on the same page.
And...I think it's equally important for you.  You need closure."

You look between the two women for a moment, taking in Nat's words.  

"You're right." You say.  "I do need closure......"

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