Chapter 22: A Man Scorned

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You struggle against the ropes you're tied up with.  The smell of damp, and the cold night air is turning your empty stomach, as well as making you shiver-your skin is sore with goosebumps.

You've been alone down here for what feels like days, when in reality it's likely it's merely hours.  You were bound and gagged, then a bag was placed over your head, and that is how you've stayed, alone, except for when you heard a muffled male voice making a phone call earlier, and you were hit across the face twice during that time.  The bag has been removed, but you were then blindfolded, and now you're alone once more in the darkness.

You hear a chair scraping across the cold, wet floor, and instinctively look up, even though you know you won't see anything through the blindfold.  

"Hello."   You hear a voice say, your senses on high alert.  You shudder, worry bleeding through your body-you felt safer alone somehow.  You recognise the voice, but cannot place where from.

Your blindfold and gag is peeled away, and in front of you stands an ordinary looking man, with a smirk on his face.  You finally realise why you recognise his voice.  Another player in the super soldier game, you and Bucky were once part of.

You blink away the dryness in your eyes, and stare at him angrily.  You hate how vile man was able to overpower you, with your super soldier powers.  Your breathing becomes erratic with anger and you try your hardest to once again break through the ties that hold you back.

"Steady."  The man says.

"Steady?"  You ask, your voice croaky from lack of fluids.  "Steady Zemo?!  What the hell do you think you're playing at?  Why are you doing this?!"

"Deep down, you know this isn't on me.  You know I wouldn't have it in me alone.  I have my orders.  That is all."

"You have your orders?!"  You repeat.  "From who?!"

"Your lack of recollection surprises me."  Zemo replies.  "Can you honestly think of no one that would want revenge on you-no one you've ruined, that cannot wait to take out their hurt back on you?!"

"No?"  You reply genuinely, unable to think of anyone specific that would hold this much of a grudge on you.

Zemo looks over at you, frowning-he still believes you are lying.

"I honestly can't Zemo!"  You shout, now getting frustrated with the games he is playing.

Zemo smiles.  "There is a man that you have crossed, that you should never have done.  One man, a man who loved you, that you walked away from......"

Your breathing becomes ragged, and your stomach somersaults.  

"No....."  You say shaking your head.

Out of the darkness, a shadow appears.  You look up and the light falls on the colours of the suit Steve wears.  For a brief moment, you have faith-hope that your team have found you.  It isn't until the light shines on the entire figure, that you feel that hope ebb away.

"JOHN?!"  You gasp at the man in front of you.

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