Chapter 26: A Better Man

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Bucky leaves you in his apartment to rest for a while, and takes off, knowing exactly where he'll find his old enemy.

As he makes his way up the hill, wrapped up in his coat against the Winter cold, he spies Zemo in the distance.  He is overlooking a monument dedicated to lives lost in a battle, way before Zemo became who is now is.  His wife and child are named on the monument, and he knew he'd be there.

As he makes his way further towards the man that took his woman, he notices the exact moment Zemo realises he's near him.  The telltale twitch in his jaw tells him everything he needs to know-he knew he was coming.  Zemo makes no moves to run, almost subconsciously succumbing tom his fate.

"You took your time."  Zemo murmurs, confirming what Bucky thought.

Bucky doesn't respond-instead moving so that he's directly behind Zemo.  Zemo turns to face him, and notes the handgun Bucky is now holding.  He swallows in fear.  Bucky holds the gun up to Zemos head, and puts his finger on the trigger.  Zemo doesn't look away from Bucky-staring straight into his eyes.  

As the seconds tick by, Zemo nods his understanding to Bucky, and Bucky squeezes his finger on the trigger.

The only sound is the click of the gun, which is enough to end the intense staring from Zemo, as he blinks in fear.  When he opens his eyes, he realises the gun hasn't gone off.

Bucky lowers it, before opening his other hand and letting the bullets that should've been in the gun, drop to the floor.  Before Zemo has chance to respond, footsteps can be heard, making their way to the men's location.

Half a dozen women, in tribal attire, holding spears, circle Zemo, and the realisation as to the situation suddenly dawns on him.

"Friends of yours I assume?"  He asks Bucky, knowing the answer anyway.  Bucky nods his response.

"For what it is worth, I'm sorry.  Please pass on my apologies."  Zemo says, as the Dora Milaje women lead him away from the scene.

Bucky watches them leave, before his head drops to the floor.  He had never any intention of hurting Zemo, knowing full well his Wakandan friends would take care of the situation.  He was done a long time ago with constant fighting-but especially now since renewing his relationship with you.  That Bucky is done with.  And he wouldn't miss him one bit.

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