Chapter 8: Fighting Hydra Part 1

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You're all suited up, and headed to your respective parts of the coordinates Tony has given you.

"Right..."  You hear Tony over your communication earpiece.  "You all know what you're doing yeah?  Sam?  You up?"

Sam comes in almost immediately.

"I'm here."  He says.  "And in position.  REDWING-GO!"

You hear the zip of Sam's small electronic sidekick, before replying yourself.

"We're good Tony.  Bucky is flying us in to the facility now on the jet."

As you continue your journey, Thor begins his assault on part of the boundaries surrounding the Hydra compound.  Taking out many members of Hydra with Mjolnir, he clears most of his area, before moving on to stragglers further out.

Bruce as The Hulk comes through, taking out tanks and more battle vehicles, before smashing an entire bunker, holding more of Hydra's people.  Vision flies through the air, beaming a light from the gem on his head, while Wanda uses her mind control powers to move prospective attackers out of the way of the team on the ground.

"The team have pretty much locked down this area Tony."  Steve says, while riding his motorbike through the debris.  Suddenly, there is an attack from more members, and Steve goes quiet on comms.  He brings the bike to an abrupt stop, before using his strength, to throw it at the group of soldiers, taking every single one out.  "Tony!"  He says breathlessly.  "You clear for entry?"

Tony's laugh comes in via comms before he speaks.

"Yes Cap!"  He says.  "You just leave the hard work to me, OK?!"

You laugh, imagining both Steve and Tony rolling their eyes at each other.

Inside the Hydra facility, the news that the compound is under attack has reached the main area.  

"Sir."  A soldier turns to his commander.  "We're going to be breached any moment.  The barrier we've put up won't hold this level of attack.  And....there's something else."

"What is it?!"  The commander snaps.

"They've brought two of our past super soldiers with them....."

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