Chapter 41-Finding The Team

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Back at the compound, Steve and Tony begin to explain to Natasha how they're going to attempt to rescue the members of their team, lost in time.

"Tony has figured out that by travelling through time, we can pick up the stones that are scattered throughout the universe, ultimately putting a stop to Thanos being able to collect them for himself."  Steve explains while gesturing to screens showing images and information on the stones.  "I will be taking the lead on retrieving everyone, and trying to get them back through the time vortex we'll hopefully still have open outside the compound."

"And that's where things get tricky."  Tony adds.  "We know where the stones are.  But we have to be careful we don't bring back versions of our team that aren't 'our team'."  

Tony and Natasha go over their plans to retrieve the stones, while Steve finalises his plans for rescuing the team and bringing them back.

Suited up in specific protecting them from travelling in time, the trio make their way to the base of where the entrance to the time vortex will be. 
Taking deep breaths, they all stand facing each other, taking some time to calm their racing hearts and clear their heads before the biggest mission of their lives.

"Remember."  Steve begins.  "You two just need to get the stones.  Don't be seen.  Get in, and then get out as soon as you can." 

Natasha takes a shaky breath as she looks at Steve.

"Let's get our guys back....together."  Steve says.

Tony looks down at the floor before looking back at Steve with more admiration than he ever has shown before.

"Ready?"  Steve asks both of them while smiling at Tony.  

"Oh I'm so ready."  Natasha replies with the same smile on her face.  Steve smiles back at her before taking a breath himself.

Within seconds, the vortex opens and the trio are pulled in to begin their mission.....

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