Chapter 29: Loving You

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Once you're both back in the compound, you don't hesitate to make your way to your room.

Within minutes, the passion has taken over you both, and you're undressed, in your bed.  

Bucky peppers your body with kisses, and you smile under his touch.

"I'm rather glad you decided to come in with me Mr Barnes...."  You say, while he continues kissing you.

"Mmm.  Me too."  He replies, between kissing your mouth.

"Also....."  You continue.  "Don't think I've forgotten about what you told me about your conversation with Tony..."

"Haha!"  Bucky laughs, making his way down your body.  "I don't want you to forget about it...."

"Well good....because he's right you know."  You reply.

Bucky stops kissing you and comes back up the bed, snuggling in behind you.

"Bucky?"  You question.  "How do you feel?"

You don't receive an answer, and before you know it, you fall into a restless sleep, waking only because the man draped over you is radiating too much heat, and not because he has an answer to your question.

As you're rubbing your eyes to wake yourself up properly, you hear a phone vibrating and look over to see that Bucky's is lighting up,

"Hello?"  You hear him answer gruffly.  "Oh hey Tony.....Yeah she's right here next to me....yep....OK....Bye."

He puts the phone back where he got it from, and rolls back over to drape his arm over you.

"Tony?  What did he want at this ridiculous hour?"   You ask, still groggy from your poor nights sleep.

"Mission."  He replies as his eyes begin closing again.

"Wake up then Mr!"  You say laughing.  You grab his face with your hand.  "Also....Don't think I didn't hear you tell Tony that I was here with you.  That meeting is going to be an absolute joy now isn't it!"

"HAHA!"  He laughs.  "Sorry babe, I didn't even think to hide it.  That's not a problem though surely?"

"Shut up and get your butt out this bed troublemaker.  I'm heading for a shower."

Bucky continues laying with his eyes closed before he's aware of the water coming on for your shower.

"Ooooh shower time!"  He says, running butt naked to join you.

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