Chapter 35: Gone

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"Wh-what did you do?!"  You gasp, as Thanos disappears into a mystical cloud of smoke, out of your grasp, and seemingly, gone forever.

You hear the crunch of the twigs and undergrowth from behind you, and you look round, still shocked to your core, to see Steve limping towards you.

"Where did he go?!"  He asks, while trying to catch his breath.

You shake your head, disbelief coursing through your veins.

"Steve....he's gone.  He just disappeared.  But he.....OH GOD....WANDA?!"  You turn quickly because you've seen movement out of the corner of your eye.  Wanda is completely still, fear in her eyes, and before you can get to her, she vanishes-her body breaking into flakes of dust.
You look back at Steve, and then to Thor, who are both sharing the despair and confusion you're showing on your face.

"Please no!"  You say, shaking your head, looking back at the now empty area that Wanda once was.  You hear a murmuring from behind you and turn to see Sam, knelt on the floor.

"SAM?!"  You yell above the panic ringing in your ears.

Just as Wanda had before him, Sam's body crumpled to the ground, disappearing into the same flakes of dust.  Steve looks at you helplessly, and you stare back at him, an odd feeling coming over your whole body.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Steve."  You say, realising what is happening.   You see Steve frown at you, confused as to why you're apologising, when all suddenly becomes very clear.

"Something is happening Steve....."  You confirm his suspicions.

As he makes his way quickly to your side, he is too late.  Just as your friends before you have, you disappear into the flakes of dust they ended their days as.

"No!"  Steve cries as he runs closer to the area you were last seen in.  Kneeling down, he tenderly places his hand on the pile of dust, and looks up to meet Thor's eyes.

Realising Tony was at another part of the battle, Steve gently touches his earpiece, to communicate with his friend.

"Tony......Tony, something has happened."  He says quietly.  "Thanos.....he clicked.  They're gone Tony.  Vison, Wanda, Sam and......"  His voice trails off.

Tony knows immediately who else has disappeared.  He drops to the floor and places his shaking hands to his mouth, tears threatening to present themselves.  He holds them in, knowing everything from now on, including emotion, is wasted.  It won't bring any of you back. 

Back at the battle site, Steve is now sat on the floor, next to the pile of dust.  Natasha comes running over to see her best friend sat with his head in his hands, and immediately knows that you're gone.  Placing her hand to her stomach, she doubles over, almost as if she's in true physical pain.

Steve realises that Bucky, who made it abundantly clear to you and the team that he didn't want to be part of the battle, has no idea what has happened, and knows he must go to find him, and explain-that is, if he is still in one piece.  None of the remaining members of the team, have any idea who is left.  On shaky legs he stands and makes his way to his friend.

At the compound, Bucky hears the door open, and hope fills his chest.  That hope is short lived however, when he sees Steve walking in, cut and bruised, his eyes finding his feet more than his friend's eyes.

"This is about the mission right?!"  Bucky asks Steve, before he's even had chance to look up at him.

"It didn't go to plan Buck."  Steve replies solemnly.  "We tried......God we all tried.  She fought....but...."

Bucky nods his understanding.  He knows who Steve is referring to.  Swallowing his emotion, and with a quivering lip, he looks into Steve's eyes, needing complete clarification.

"She's gone hasn't she...."  He asks.

"Yes." Steve replies, casting his eyes once again to the floor.

Without responding, and ignoring Steve's voice calling him back, Bucky stands, and in a daze, walks out of the door, knowing exactly where he needs to go.

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