Part 1: Chapter Five: Thrayd

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"Absolutely not, it is out of the question." Thrayd spat at Efa. "There is no reason she should need a bird. I have sent scouts already. And I will not risk her performing any magic. She should consider herself privileged that she is even here!"

"What reason should I give her, m'lady?" Efa stammered.

"Tell her to go to the Nameless for all I care! Get out! And don't let her out of your sight!" Thrayd screamed, flinging the empty cup and saucer that she held in Efa's direction.

Despite Thrayd's eighty-one years, she rarely felt her age. Her body may be dated, making sleep more difficult and causing stiffness in her joints, but her mind was seldom tired. However, today she felt fatigued, irritable, not at all herself. 

Raising her own son had been easy. Steffan had been eager to please and quiet of nature. Her eldest grandson had proven to be a challenge to corral. It didn't help that her son and daughter-in-law were so indulgent of his every whim. Her fears that someone might report Davyth's carnal activities with the squire to a servant of the Namless God were legitimate. The church of the Nameless gave rewards for reporting the sin of sodomy. While Davyth was the heir and the royal family held more power than the church, the threat was still real. A few years ago the son of a member of the privy council had been reported. Steffan was forced to remove the boy's father from his council and the family left the capital in disgrace. The boy was forced into a life of involuntary servitude to the Nameless God. Thrayd didn't think that in Davyth's situation he would be forced into dedication, however his abdication would be required. The disgrace on the royal family would be unspeakable, dooming any success Llewellyn might have on the throne. Now this Duthaichi plagued her.

As a young woman, Thrayd had been a beauty in her own way, her courtship with her husband had been encouraged by both families and it was no surprise when she received the proposal. She had been a popular Queen, well loved by the people and her husband. Her mild mannered kingly husband had been thrilled to have a strong woman as a wife. Someone who he could lean on for advice and trust she knew what was going on. Seisyll involved her in all his responsibilities in the government, nothing went on that Thrayd didn't have a hand in. It was all for the best as Seisyll became difficult to control when he struggled with his mind. When her son came to the throne, her power had waned only a little.

"Good morning." She said, hiding her surprise as Steffan entered the room, immediately crossing to the window.

Standing, arms clasped behind his back, gazing out of the picturesque window at the dead garden beyond, Steffan said shortly. "We need a moment alone."

Thrayd waved at her ladies who quickly gathered themselves up and filed out of the room.

"I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you had a council meeting scheduled this morning?" she began.

"You would know. You control the schedule." Steffan muttered, his tone sharp.

Thrayd frowned at the back of her son's head.

Steffan went on, "and apparently you control the attendance of these meetings as well."

Thrayd's expression shifted.

Steffan turned to face his mother, "Why is my son attending my private council meeting?"

Annoyance replaced Thrayd's confusion, "Why shouldn't he attend? The boy is one and twenty. He will rule one day and he must learn how, yes?"

"When do I rule, mother?"

"What ridiculousness are you talking about?" Thrayd demanded, "You are ruling."

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