Part 3: Chapter Five: Vada

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As much as she loved Pelagoes this was not where she needed to be. There were only so many messages she could send without word before she stopped. Oberon had yet to be back with any news from court. Alexio hadn't written, not that she had entirely expected him to. Still. With nothing to do but write letters to her father and wait, Vada often slept late.

"Mistress?" the slave girl whispered, hesitantly shaking Vada.

"What is it?" Vada snapped with annoyance.

"Your father is asking for you."

Vada paused, "My father is in Kefalaio." She replied sitting up.

"Beg your pardon, Mistress. But your father is in the solar waiting for you."

Throwing the covers off, Vada leapt from the bed. Swinging violently she slapped the girl across the face with a powerful blow, "Why wasn't I told when he arrived?!" she screamed.

The girl coward, cradling her cheek where she'd been hit, "He got here in the middle of the night, Mistress. I wasn't woken."

Vada brought her hand back, striking the girl again. "Get my clothes. My father is waiting." She snapped.

There were very few reasons why her father would be in Pelagoes and none of them were good for her. Vada rushed to dress and hurried to the solar.

"Sleeping late now, daughter?" Haemon said as she curtsied and sat across from him at the table. He was helping himself to a tomato and fish traditional dish. He offered the dish to her.

"No, thank you, father." Vada said flatly.

"Not hungry?"

"I don't eat in the mornings."

"Suit yourself." He replied taking a bite of his food.

"May I inquire as to the reason for your visit?"

"Does a father need a reason to see his daughter?" he smartly.

"No, but you have one." Vada said humorlessly.

"As it happens I do. I have found you a husband." Vada scowled.

"It's a good match. An excellent match actually and I'll not have you acting out and ruining it. So say thank you."

"Thank you, father." Vada sneered.

"I've found a match for your sister too, so it'll be a double wedding. And it'll be soon."

"Why soon? What's the rush-." She paused. "Is Eavan with child?"

"She is, no thanks to you." Haemon spat, "I had to let the old man have her first thing once he agreed to the marriage to make sure he thought the babe his. It brought me no happiness putting her through that after what you did. But it-."

"-had to be done." Vada finished with a coy smiling playing on her lips.

Haemon paused, spoon in mid air, frowning at her, "yes."

"When do I meet this man?" Vada asked.

"You wed this afternoon. Eavan should be arriving by midday."

Vada's face went slack, "I don't get to meet him first?"

"And let you ruin it? No. You'll meet at the alter. I've been very frank with him, he knows what to expect with you and I've given him advise on how to control you."

"You can't do this."

"I can and I have. I have more important things to worry about now than marrying off daughters. And both matches benefit my position here."

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