Part 1: Chapter Nine: Davyth

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The sun had sunk just low enough in the sky streaming through the window and subsequently straight into Davyth's eyes. It didn't affect his hearing, however, which was disappointing. A report on capital spending was being given and it felt like it was endless. He twirled the quill around between his fingers. Steffan had been sure to provide his son with the supplies to take notes. Davyth hadn't written anything down when he could see and now he didn't even pretend to try. It was a beautiful afternoon and he was wasting it here. He heard someone walk to the window and draw the curtains, he looked around the table letting his eyes adjust.

"Thank you, Lord Master Goronwy." Steffan said, as the report came to an end, "now let's move on to the contenders for the marriage of my eldest son and heir, Davyth."

There was a soft shuffling of papers around the table.

Steffan cleared his throat, "The contenders are as follows: Princess Vada Doukas, niece of Bazyli, King of Kallistos. He wanted to submit his eldest bastard daughter as well, but I have declined that offer. Davyth, do you have any objections to that?"

Davyth just shook his head.

"Beg pardon your majesty, but the council has submitted objections to this match." Secretary Gawain spoke up.

"The council or my mother?" Steffan snapped, looking from councilmen to councilmen with disdain.

Lord Gruffyth to Steffan's right, a short, red little man, cleared his throat, "There are legitimate dissatisfactions to the lady." He said.

"Such as?" Steffan demanded.

Gruffyth looked around at his compatriots for help, "Well, your majesty, she was married several years and no children resulted. We have to assumed she is barren."

"Davyth, do you have any objection to the rejection of Princess Vada Doukas?" Steffan asked, glaring at Gruffyth. Who'd begun to sweat profusely.

"None." Replied Davyth.

"Good. Moving on. Second contender; Laelia, daughter to Philo, The Kral of Ulke. Third is Gwenda, daughter to our very own Lord Gruffyth, Master of finance. Thank you Gruffyth we are happy to consider your daughter. Davyth will have his personal choice submitted by the end of the holiday season and we will proceed with dowry requests at that time. Secretary Gawain, please pass the likenesses to the Prince."

Three small packages wrapped in brown paper, each tied with a different multi-colored cord were shuffled down the table to Davyth. Each multi-colored cord corresponded to the national colors that the contender hailed from. Violet and royal blue for Kallistos, jade green and maroon for Ulke and red and gold for his home country of Daear.

The council waited in silence for Davyth to open them, but he made no move to even touch them. "My choices are someone I've never met or a cow?" Davyth said aloud.

Gruffyth turned the color of scarlet.

Steffan scowled, "Most of the contenders would be women you haven't met. Which is why you can add your own choice. Is there anyone you would like to be considered?"


"This will not be postponed again. You have successfully avoided this for years. You have until the end of the seasonal cycle to provide your choice, which is more than generous." The room erupted with objection. Steffan raised a hand to silence them, "I've spoken! The boy will have until the end of the year."

Davyth scoffed doubtfully.

"Why do you insist on rejecting the consideration I offer?" Steffan snapped.

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