Part 2: Chapter Fifteen: Brenn

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Crossing the boundary line of the camp the multitude of campfire light came into view. Hundreds of fires warming thousands of Duthaichi warriors.

Weaving through the camp, Ronan shouted in a booming voice, "Your Princess is here!" They erupted into joyous cheers. Brenn laughed and grinned uncontrollably. Those closest to her as she passed bowed in respect.

In the center were several large octagon tents. Ronan stopped, swinging gracefully to the ground. At her side, Ronan gripped her waist, lifting her from the saddle and setting her down. Heat burned in her cheeks at the touch of his hands. He gestured towards one of the tents. Cresset lamps hung from the spiraled rafters lighting the space. Furnishings were as expected, a plush cot piled high with quilts and furs, an open trunk, a rough table covered in maps and battalion figurines, with a chair on either side.

The Clansmen waited outside as their Princess and Protector entered, but Llewellyn, Fia and Shae followed Brenn inside. "Would it be possible to speak...privately, your grace?" Ronan asked.

Brenn nodded for her companions to leave, obedient to their Princess's commands, Fia, Galia and Shae turned to leave instantly, Llewellyn however, hesitated. Fia slapped his shoulder, Llewellyn ignored her, staring from Brenn to Ronan. Undeterred, Fia grabbed his arm and pulled him roughly from the tent.

Alone Ronan's expression changed as he dropped the formalities, "It's been months with no word!" he growled through his teeth.

"I wasn't allowed to use magic and I had no idea that you'd made it out of Mor" she spat back.

"Why aren't you still in Daear?" He demanded gripping the back of the chair.

"Don't scold me like a child."

"I'm angry!"

"I'm here and I'm obviously safe." Brenn pointed out her face still spattered with blood.

"You should be in Daear. The Seer knew you'd be safer there. She wouldn't have sent you there if she didn't."

"And here I thought you would be happy to see me." Brenn scowled.

"You are so reckless and short-sighted!" Ronan paced the small space, "If anything had happened to you- Gods!"

"But nothing did." Brenn replied her face growing red with anger.

"But you shouldn't be here. You should be in Daear."

"My mother was wrong Ronan. There's nothing for me in Daear." Brenn spat.

"The Seer is never wrong." He insisted.

Brenn huffed folding her arms across her chest.

"But..." he paused, "I am happy to see you."

Her eyes fell on a banner that Brenn didn't recognize hanging over the back of a chair. On the chartreuse standard was a black snake with a violet eye coiled around an anchor. Beneath were the words 'Expugnare Extant Omnes'.

"Is that the Khaan's banner?" Brenn asked, pointing at it.

"Aye, it is." Ronan replied, setting two clay mugs and a pitcher of ale on the table.

"To conquer all." she said, reading the words. "He uses Willamina's words."

"And like Willamina he must be rooted out of our land." Ronan snorted, filling both mugs to the brim.

Taking up her cup, Brenn took a deep gulp, letting it wash down the back of her throat. Ronan sat across from her, "So, she sent you to Daear?" he said, "Why? What was there?"

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