Part 1: Chapter Fifteen: Brenn

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"Glad to see you're back." Rory said tartly as he came into the room, robes billowing with his brisk walk. "I'd worried you had been kidnapped."

Back turned to him, Brenn rolled her eyes. "I wasn't gone long. Its barely past breakfast." She replied turning to him as Fia came through the serf door with a tray of piled high with food. She paused briefly wary of the tension in the room, before setting the tray on the table hurrying out.

"They noticed." He said, his eyes following Fia out.

Brenn's eyes widened. "I don't care what they think they noticed." She spat angrily. 'As if what I do is any of their business.'

Rory's expression remained stoic and unmoved by her passion, "Aye. Well, the scouts returned and an emergency Senate convene has been called for midday."

Urgency surged through her, "What did the scouts say?"

"Very little. Only that the usurper's army is vast. Made up of Ulki mercenaries."  His stern voice reflecting the gravity of his words.

Brenn clasp her hands together and began to pace in thought. She stopped, "It's too soon. We haven't reached Syros yet."

Rory shifted, "I don't doubt that it was the intention of calling the section."

"Perhaps it's good news on their part? Maybe they mean to act?"

"I am wary. They are Daearian after all. And the news wasn't good. I believe we should be preparing an alternative plan."

"Like what?"

He hesitated. "I would have said marriage but you may have ruined any chance with the heir."

Brenn scoffed, "As if it was even an option."

"All possible options must be tried if you want aid." Rory snapped.

Brenn's shoulders slumped and she squeezed her eyes closed. 'Don't think about it.' "If Senate rules against us, I will consider a marriage."

"If it's still possible." Rory remarked under his breath.

Brenn paced in front of the council chamber double doors. Massive wood and iron doors baring her from hearing any discussion being had on the other side, driving her mad.

"This will not ease your anxieties." Rory said, standing straight and very still, watching her pace before him.

"It might."

"Well, it certainly, doesn't ease mine." He added just under his breath.

The heavy pair of carved doors creaked and clicked on their hinges as the opened. Brenn spun to face them. Beyond in the auditorium was a wide aisle of marble stairs leading down. Marble benches lined each step down curving around the circular room. The doom shaped ceiling's center was clear glass filling the large chamber with light. At the bottom was the dais, where the King sat, on this throne of red and gold metals. In front of him was massive hourglass, suspended in the middle inside a sphere. "Steady on." Rory whispered to her.

Stepping into the huge amphitheater Brenn froze at the Senators turned to watch her descend to the dais. The room was warm, too warm, heated by the sun beaming through the glass doom. The air was still as they were, smelling stagnant and of sweating bodies. She recognized everyone in the room. All familiar faces of the men at court. These men couldn't be allowed to decide her fate.

Swallowing hard, Brenn found her throat suddenly dry. Focusing on the destination at the bottom, she didn't look back to see is Rory followed her. Brenn had been raised for this and trained for this. She hated how sick her stomach felt and how her emotions were betrayed by the flushing of her cheeks. It was as if they could all see through her. They could see her fear, her fear of failure.

As she reached the dais, she curtsied low before the King. Steffan merely nodded in return. "Her grace, the Princess of Duthaich wishes to address this Senate. I will concede to her, for temporary use, my place on the floor." Standing, Steffan turn the hourglass over, "The floor is yours ma'am."

"Thank you, your majesty." Brenn croaked and swallowed again. "Senators. I am here to form an alliance of strength and honor that our two countries have yet to achieve. In return for command of ten thousand soldiers Duthaich will give you the Camas Passage." A quiet wave of murmurs washed over the room. Brenn went on, "In the past relations between us have been strained at best. During my reign I would foster peace and trade between us instead. For too long has our differences kept us separated by more than Sliavs. Upon my throne I would see that separation be bridged."

Silence fell over the space. The sea of faces, stoic, unreadable and mute. Brenn's racing heart started to ache. Why would anyone appalled or even agree at her weak, ineffectual words? Finally a voice to her left asked, "Why would we not simply appeal to this usurper of yours for the passage?"

She spun to see Davyth, leaning back in his chair, feet propped up on the short banister in front of him. He smiled coyly at her. Brenn was instantly filled with the urge to stab him in the eye. "I am here. He is not. How do you know he would even be willing to negotiate? Willing to give you the Pass? If he ever gains control over it?"

Another murmur swept through.

"It would take the majority of our forces to take control of Duthaich." Davyth stated, "We can't leave our south border exposed like that for a squabble we have no part in."

"You would leave a threatening enemy to run rampet at your border?" Brenn questioned harshly.

"He is no enemy of ours." A severe looking man in front of her spoke up.

Brenn flushed deeply. Davyth chuckled, the sound felt like knives raking over her skin.

The man scowled, "It would be of more advantage financially for us to parley with the usurper. A great deal of money can be made in the slave trade." He pointed out.

Brenn turned on him, "You expect me to just let you help to enslave my people!" she raged.

A tall, slim man stood, "I think this Senate knows the direction it wishes to go in the case of the Duthaichi Princess." He paused and looked her up and down, "We should vote now. Why wait."

"I still have time in the glass." Brenn argued.

"Shall we vote?" he asked again ignoring her.

The room rumbled with their chant, "Vote! Vote! Vote!" Steffan stood. "All those in favor?" he asked giving Brenn an apologetic look. She seethed inside as the room went silent.

One hand went up and only one. Davyth's. 

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