Part 1: Chapter Thirteen: Vada

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Vada watched as Alexio and Eavan clapped and sang along with the troupers as they danced on their stage. They were such children, Alexio especially. So much younger than she had been at the same age. It was impossible not to resent him for it. His life so free of worry. He had no idea of the troubles that awaited him on the throne. Eavan was more worldly than she let on, Vada knew this, but she still resented her sister for being able to let her cares go. Vada didn't find such a thing so easy. There was too much that hung in the balance and no one to watch out for her but her. She fought the scowl that threatened to twist her face.

Her influence on Alexio was faltering, as he preferred the company of prettier Eavan. It was expected, but still problematic. She needed Alexio's favor if she wanted to keep what little control she had over her life. Alexio got what Alexio wanted and if he wanted her around, she would stay around, but he didn't. Not anymore. She had raised him as if he had been her own and he had once loved her for it. But now he clearly wanted Eavan. He had put up no fight when her father had announced she was a contender for the Daearian bridal throne. She needed to regain Alexio's favor before they shipped her off.

Alexio hugged Eavan, laughing, planted a wet kiss on her cheek. Eavan fained a blush. Vada rolled her eyes.

The players concluded with a bow and an announcement when they would be back then left the stage empty.

"Encore! Encore!" shouted Alexio.

A single player returned to the wooden stage with another bow. "You'll forgive us, your grace, if we decline as we have played well for you all afternoon. Our instruments must rest." He said in the booming voice that all players use to be heard in a crowd.

Alexio continued to shout, "Encore!" But the player left the stage through the back curtain. The prince's face reddened and his hands paused mid clap. Standing he climbed onto the stage. Flinging the curtains aside, the tall boy grabbed the player by the collar, dragging him back onto the stage. Alexio pulled his face close to the other man's, "I said, encore." He demanded darkly.

"Yes, yes! Of course, your grace." The player stammered. "How about a story?"

Alexio's expression shifted completely and he smiled, "I love stories!" he exclaimed as he returned to his seat.

The player cleared his throat. "I will tell you a tale of dragons! And of desire! Listen well, for there is wisdom hidden within."

Vada shifted with boredom as her mind wandered. She had heard this fairytale many times. It was a children's story. Even if this player's telling was far better than her nursemaid's. When the player finished, he paused hesitantly waiting for the Prince's applause.

Alexio leaped to his feet, clapping wildly. Too much for the simple story. Eavan applauded as well all the while watching Alexio with a bit of fear in her eyes.

The player chuckled cautiously. "Thank you, your grace."

"Player. Tell me. What is your greatest gift? Is it your fingers or your tongue?" Alexio asked.

The player tensed. He had preformed for nobility enough to recognize the danger. He smiled despite it, "I could say my fingers because I play skillfully, as you have seen. Or I could say my tongue as I sing beautifully, as you have heard. But neither of these are any good without my ears. For how could I hear the notes to play or sing without them?"

Alexio laughed. "Clever. Then use those ears and compose a song for me for the next time you play here." He said the tension easing from the air.

The player bowed and left. Vada wondered if he was smart enough to leave Kallistos. To return to the castle would undoubtedly be a death sentence. Alexio never forgot and hardly ever forgave. It was easy to forget his cruelty. His child like behavior made those who didn't know him assume him to be gentle, but he was far from it.

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