Part 1: Chapter Twenty: Brenn

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The sounds of the Nameless feast drifted throughout the palace from the Great Hall. The feast of the Nameless was a night of extravagance and decadence. In honor on their god, the Daearian court wore masks of white and gold and covered their heads in white veils as they celebrated. 

 Brenn remained in her chamber, pacing nervously, listening to the music. "We should never have come here. We should leave, while we can." 'How long before they use me like a pawn?' she thought.

Rory stood stiffly near the hearth staring into the flames. "I don't doubt the Seer." He said insistently, "We should wait for Syros."

Brenn shook her head vehemently, "you should wait for Syros. I should return to Duthaich and find Ronan."

"You can't be serious? The Protector could be anywhere."

"If I know Ronan, he is uniting the clans as we speak and I should be there." Brenn argued.

"It is too dangerous."

"I'll be safer there with the clans and mountains to protect me than waiting here until they decide to put me under guard, Rory." She refuted. "The Daearian will side with this Mehdoc and they will use me as leverage. What if they hand me over to him?"

Rory's stoic face twisted into a grimace.

"He could use me to break my mother."

"But your mother sent you south for a reason." Rory assured, approaching her cautiously.

"My mother was wrong!" Brenn burst out.

Rory paused, "You can't make the Pass by yourself in the dead of winter."

"I'll go with her." Fia pipped up.

The two turned to her, having forgotten she was in the room.

She stood with a tray in hand, "I've traveled it on my own before. I know the way, even in the snow." She assured.

"There." Brenn said triumphantly, "You will wait here for Syros. I will go home."

"I'm not sure about this." Rory replied apprehensively. "How do you plan to get out of the castle unseen?"

"Fia, can you get me out?" Brenn asked.

The young woman nodded, "Tonight if you want. Everyone is distracted with the feast and the heir's engagement." She suggested.

"Go dress to leave then. Pack light." Brenn ordered turning to Rory, "I'm leaving this place. I could wake up tomorrow with guards posted at my door. I'll not wait until that happens to take action."

"If you're set on this then I should go back with you."

Taking the crown from her head, Brenn held it out to him. "Use it to barter with Syros." She said.

"I... I... couldn't." Rory protested.

"Do it, Rory. We haven't anything else to use."

Sighing Rory nodded, taking the crown from her hands reluctantly, "As you wish. I'll stay."

"I'll send a bird as soon as I can."

"Be safe. Don't take unnecessary risks." Rory urged.

"I promise I won't."

"Go to the safe house first. If any of Clan Kineal made it out of Mor they'll be there."

Fia slipped back into the room through the serf door. No longer dressed in the muted pink serving dress and veil, she was transformed in a vibrant green Duthaichi homespun dress under a wool charcoal gray hooded cloak with tan cowhide boots. Several leather pouches and a pair of carved wood handled daggers were strapped to her hips. Her wavy strawberry blond hair was tied back at the nape of her neck exposing smooth circular patches of bone on either side of her head, where her horns had once been. Brenn blinked, trying not to stare. Had she chosen to cut them off? A Faun's horns were a glory to have. Not many did anymore.

"I skipped through the kitchens." Fia said, carrying a sack and a leather flagon. Rory wrapped Brenn's cloak around her shoulders, "I am afraid for you." He said in a hushed voice.

"I am too." She replied swallowing hard her heart beginning to race.

Rory pulled her close into an uncharacteristic informal embrace. "Goddess watch over you." He whispered before letting her go. "I will stay here and make your excuses for as long as I can." Following Fia to the serf door, Brenn turned and gave Rory one last look over her shoulder.

"Bound by blood, guided by honor, united in purpose, we are the Faun." She said blinking back tears.

"For the Folk." Rory replied with a sad smile.

Brenn followed Fia through the well lit tunnels to the north outer bailey. The taller woman, peered out into the yard before stepping out. It was dark and quiet, with all the commotion in the inner bailey near the kitchens. Silently they hurried along the wall in the shadow to the stables. Rounding a corner into the stable Brenn slid to a stop nearly colliding with Davyth.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded before she thought better of it.

"I probably should be asking you that." he replied as a veil-less kitchen girl hurried past the three of them towards the keep. "Quietly slipping away in the night?"

Brenn said nothing, tilting her chin up defiantly.

His white teeth flashed in the dark with his smile. "Well. I should take you back in you know. Have you placed under guard."

"But?" Brenn asked.

"But helping you escape sounds like more fun. You'll need help getting past the guarded gate anyway."

"Thank you." Brenn said in surprise. Whatever motives Davyth had, she didn't have time to consider them. Getting out was all that mattered. They raced to saddle the horses and followed Davyth to the gate. As Brenn and Fia waited, hidden by the smithy Davyth sauntered up to the guards.

"Guards, " Davyth shouted at the drowsy men with confidence, "there's a man trying to scale the west wall. Go stop him." He ordered easily.

Without question the men jumped to do the heir's bidding, hurrying away.

Stopping just outside the gate they mounted as Davyth came up beside Brenn. Looking up at her, he smiled again.

"I don't why you've helped me. But thank you." Brenn said, looking down into his chiseled face. 

The bruising around his eye was yellowing.

Davyth giving a wave he backed away, "I was never here."

Brenn nudged her horse into a quick trot into the night, without looking back.

End of Part One

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