Part 2: Chapter Four: Vada

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Sitting comfortably at a table made of bleached wood, Vada watched the slave girl kneeling before her, rub rose oil onto her manicured foot and calf. Her skin was dark as the color of clay and her tight curls were cut short almost to the scalp. Under her right eye, four white dots had been tattooed, indicating the number of years she'd been enslaved. A gold ring through her septum meant at one point she'd been defiant. Slaves didn't often serve in the presence of the elite. They were generally given more menial jobs. Vada had, however, long ago discovered that having someone dispensable on hand had its benefits.

The knock Vada had been waiting for finally echoed through her chamber as Oberon entered the room.

"Took you long enough." Vada scolded.

"It's three hundred miles!" Oberon cried, discarding layers of dusty wraps. "You should have let me send a bird."

Vada waved at the girl at her feet. Obediently the slave girl gathered up the wraps and scurried from the room.

"No. I won't risk interception."

Oberon shrugged, "Its hardly a worry."

"I said no."

"I'm here anyway. And yes, I have news. But first, order a drink. I'm parched."

Vada frowned but rang the silver bell that sat poised on the arm of her chair. "Tell me." She said.

"The Daearian prince has run of with the Duthaichi." Oberon sat across from her. "Or at least that's what's being rumored. Either way both have disappeared from Mynyth."

"The heir?"

"No, the younger of the two." Oberon corrected as the slave girl returned with a tray. Helping himself he poured a small glass of the clear liquor and eyed the dark skinned girl as she left. "But you did hear that the heir bed some Lady and now she'll be Queen?"

"Of course I heard. Everyone's buzzing with the news. My father is furious."

"You, however, are relieved I'm guessing."

"To say the least. What about the Duthaichi Princess?"

"First my payment." He insisted.

Exhaling through her nose, Vada tossed leather purse onto the table between them. It thumped heavily against the wood.

"Lovely." Oberon said oily palming the coin purse. "And?"

"You can have one of my slave girls. That is more than enough."

"Generous, I'd say."

"The Duthaichi Princess?"

"Scouts have been sent but there is no sight of her. I haven't heard anything, so I don't think the Khaan has found her either."

"How long ago did she leave?"

"That is a matter of debate. Its obvious that the Daearian court has been hiding her absence, just as they worked to hide her presence at first. Some say her escape was recent. I'm inclined to believe that."

"Crossing twice in the winter? Stupid."

"Or brave." He replied taking a long drink.

"Bravery is for the stupid."

"Regardless. The Chancellor still has not gotten word of her. He still remains in the Summer Islands."

"Thanks to my father he is actually further south."

"Oh?" Oberon said, pouring her a glass and refilling his own.

Vada nodded taking the glass, "Haemon has sent raids into the disputed territories. Commander Syros landed on the continent two weeks ago to regain control of the lands."

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