Part 2: Chapter Two: Brenn

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Brenn woke with a chill. Rolling over she saw that the fire had gone out. Sitting up stiffly, she rubbed her eyes. Fia was already up, folding Llewellyn's now dry clothes. Still wrapped in her cloak, he slept in a dark pile.

Standing to stretch, Brenn walked to the edge of the overhanging rock and paused when she saw it.

"It's been there since dawn. Do you think it happened upon us by chance?" Fia asked coming to stand beside her.

Brenn shook her head, "I think it's here to guide us to the crossing."

Behind them Llewellyn and woken was making a ruckus trying to get dressed under the cloak. He was understandably reluctant to stand naked in the frigid morning air in front of his two female companions.

"We should have left before he woke," Fia said, still speaking Duthaichi.

Brenn sighed, "Probably."

"We should leave him." Fia suggested.

Brenn shook her head, "He wouldn't make it back."

"If he made it out here, he can make it back." Fia insisted.

"And if he follows?"

"Fine. He can ride with me." Fia offered.

"That's alright." Brenn replied, "I'll take him."

Dressed, Llewellyn came up to see what they were staring at. Up ahead, sitting on the path which led along the mountain side was an orange tabby cat. It sat perfectly still on the snowy trail, watching them.

He visibly shivered, "What's a cat doing out here?" he asked.

"It's not a cat." Fia answered sharply.

He looked again at the animal, still eerily staring at them. 

Facing him, Fia yanked Brenn's cloak from his shoulders.

"He can keep it for now." Brenn said, mounting, to nervous to look at him. She wished she could frown and leer at him the way Fia could, but Llewellyn made her want to smile, giggle and laugh. He brought ease to her. Perhaps that was something she would need?

Fia scowled deeply at Llewellyn handing the cloak back. Equally as hatefully, she tossed him an apple for his breakfast. Brenn bit the inside of her cheek to control her face.

With Fia riding behind them, Brenn could feel her menacing stare in Llewellyn's direction. It was best he get used to this type of reception. It wouldn't be better from any other Duthaichi.

As they approached the cat, it stood and turned to trot briskly down the path ahead. Every now and then it looked back at them to ensure they were still following. They continued to follow at a slow pace for hours in silence. Sometime after the sun had moved into the western sky the cat suddenly turned east and disappeared into the side of the mountain. Reaching the place where the cat had vanished, they saw the path continued into a narrow crevasse through the mountain. It was wide enough for them to ride single-file, but just barely. Up the trail in the crevasse they could see the orange tabby, waiting for them.

Llewellyn, who had no idea why they were following the cat in the first place, seemed to have apprehensions about going into the mountain.

"Do either of you know where this cat is leading us?" Llewellyn asked.

"Shhhh!" Fia hissed at him, "I told ya, it's not a cat."

"Brenn?" he said imploringly, leaning forward so he could see her face, "Snow could fall through and trap us."

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