Part 3: Chapter Seventeen: Efa

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Efa fiddled nervously with the gold brocade trim around her floor length sleeves as her ladies adjusted her veil. She wore a silk gown of sky blue accented by a royal blue velvet trim with the gold brocade.It was the first time the Queen had summoned her since she'd become Princess and she had no idea what her grandmother-in-law wanted. Waving her ladies off, Efa followed Enid to Thrayd's solar.

The old woman sat regally behind her large ornate desk. Parchments spread across the top, quill in hand. Her mouth set in a hard thin line as it often was.

"Good morning, your grace." She said pleasantly.

Thrayd gestured at a seat across the desk from her without looking up from the parchment in front of her. "How do you fare this morning?" Thrayd asked tartly.

"Very well, thank you. Your great-grandson grows strong." Efa smiled piously, patting her swollen belly affectionately as she sat.

"Optimism is a good attitude to have as a pregnant woman. Now, Efa, I've always been candid with you."

Efa's smile fell. 'At least she's not wasting time.' Aloud she replied, "And I consider it the highest honor."

"As you should, yes? Davyth has been perusing through the kitchens and a kitchen maid is possibly pregnant. Why is that?"

Efa tilted her head to the side in confusion, "Why is she pregnant?"

Thrayd frowned, "Don't play coy with me. Why is he looking to the kitchens for his needs instead of your bed?"

"I'm not at beck and call of his cock." She snapped.

"My dear," Thrayd began coolly, "That is your job. Your sole responsibility."

Efa scoffed, "Davyth hates me. He wants to be in my bed no more than I want him there."

"It is dangerous to be in ill-favor with your husband."

"I might as well be a leper. How am I supposed to keep him in my bed?" Efa asked placing a protective hand over her stomach.

"Don't be dramatic Efa. You're a clever girl. You wouldn't be in this position now if you weren't." Thrayd said somewhat kindly.

"Cleverness will not help me with Davyth." Efa snapped.

Thrayd scowled at the younger woman, "Obviously you have forgotten how you owe all your success to me. You have been raised high above what you could've ever hoped for on your own."

"He isn't who I wanted." Efa muttered.

Thrayd threw her hands up in frustration, "By all means, complain about being Princess of the richest country on the continent!"

Efa's shoulders slumped, "I am not ungrateful. I simply mean-"

"You're being short-sighted," Thrayd interrupted, "if you had your way you'd be married to a man who doesn't love you."

"I am currently married to a man who doesn't love me. And at least if I had married Llewellyn I would love him!" Efa cried in frustration.

"Yes, but Llewellyn would never have cared for you, dear. At least with Davyth there is equal footing. That is the key to a successful marriage."

Efa cringed, "I could've made him love me." she insisted.

"Then getting Davyth to like you enough to visit your bed shouldn't be out of your reach." Thrayd pointed out.

Efa snorted and rolled her eyes.

Thrayd frowned and sighed, "Without his favor you have nothing. Do you understand? How do you think I have gained and maintained power? First through favor of my husband. You should take a lesson."

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