Part 1: Chapter Ten: Brenn

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"Arrogant ass." Brenn muttered watching the Prince disappear through the curtained doorway.

"Shhh!" Rory hissed at her.

"Well he is. Not like the other one." She replied.

"They're both Daearian." Rory whispered, as if it was a slur, "But no one need hear us say it."

"You really are very prejudice for a learned man, Rory." Brenn remarked.

"It comes from experience." He replied. "Are you ready?"

Taking a deep breath. 'Will I ever be?'

As she entered the hall Brenn could hear the whole room hush with curious anticipation. Her heels clicked loudly against the polished floor in the now silenced room as she approached the dais. A silk dress had been gifted for the dinner and Rory had convinced her that it was in her best interest to show appreciation and wear it. In Daearian fashion it was too long, forcing her to hold it up as she walked.

She sank low before the steps in a sweeping bow.

With customary arms wide spread, Stephen said, "You are most welcome here, Princess Brenn Ó Maolch of Clan Kineal. Let our home be your home."

"Thank you, your majesty." She responded civilly, rising from her stoop posture, fighting the urge to correct his address of her. She was acting Queen. No longer just a Princess. Was the slight intentional?

"Minstrels!" Steffan shouted, sounding merry at the gallery above.

The minstrels played sweet music, dominated by the harp, as people crowded into different groups around the room. Male servants milled around serving crystal glasses of bubbly liquid. A quiet muttering, resumed.

Rory stood just behind her to her right as not to give the impression he was her equal. Forever formal Rory. As she scanned the room, he whispered the names of those around her.

Lady Efa stood at the left of the dais, whispering to a small balding man, short and round, who looked as if he was drowning in his robes and tall, bowing cloth crown. Beside Efa as well was a tall slender, pretty woman that looked to be of similar age. Both women were veiled in the traditional way, leaving only their faces exposed.

"With Lady Efa is Lady Enid of house Caine, her father is master of the loom. The man with them is Lady Efa's uncle. The Patriarch."

The robes he wore were gold and white floor length silk with small, gold set amethysts sewn in around the collar, hem and along the edges of his hat. It was customary for all servants of the Nameless to wear a beard, it was said to invoke the favor of the Unnamed God. For Cadfan Hennion, however, it was no service. He wasn't able to grow it full or long. Instead straggly sparse black hairs hung from his bulbous chin. Regardless of his appearance, he was unholy rich and an extremely powerful man. A powerful man that was privy to the royal family's secrets. The little man didn't look capable of wiping his own ass let alone communing with his God.

"Do you think she spies for him?"

"I would assume so. We can ask Nic'Brash."

"Where is he?"

"Approaching us now."

"At your service, your Royal Highness." Fergus huffed, seeming out of breath. He had been appointed by her mother in the early years of her career as Queen. He carried a plate of sweet foods. He was mostly bald, with just a single tufted of hair on the top of his head. His beard, however, was full and long. It was the most Duthaichi thing about his physical appearance.

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