Part 3: Chapter Ten: Rory

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The rough jostle of the cart sent pain through Rory's side, jerking him awake. Consciousness was met with the rancid smell of human shit and vomit. Shifting, Rory whimpered in pain, forcing himself to open his eyes, he surveyed his new surroundings. The harsh sun beat down hot on the caged cart he rode in. It was packed body to body full of all Ashkhasi men in various stages of filth and decay. Rory lifted his bloodied tunic. Dark blackish purple bruises were spread across the left side of his chest. Breathing deeply sent sharp intense pain searing through him. Using the flat iron bars to pull himself up, Rory stood. His was not the only iron barred cart. There were two more, all full of dirty, bleeding men.

Spotting Rashad in the cart traveling beside his, Rory gave a small wave. Rashad just stared blankly towards him. Without even a flicker of recognition.

"Rashad!" he called reaching his arm through the bars.

A whip cracked, slicing the skin on his forearm open. "Get back!" Shouted a burly Ulki man.

Rory jerk back as the new pain of the clean slice through his skin began to bleed.

"Stay inside the bars and be quiet." Growled the slaver.

Rory looked again at Rashad. The boy was watching him now, slowly shaking his head. Leaning back against the back of the cart, Rory slid to the floor. 'Where were Oma and her children?' 

They had taken most of his clothing, leaving him with only the thin linen tunic and chalvar to protect him from the sun's burning rays.

The band of slavers was made up of two dozen or so Kallistosi and Ulki men. They passed flagons of water around, never seeming concerned that their captives might die of thirst. They traveled under the hot sun without water, amongst the endless sea of sand until dusk. When the cart finally lurched to a stop, Rory was dizzy from dehydration and hunger.

The sound of the whips cracking filled the air as they were herded out of the cages and into lines. Irons were clapped to their ankles, tying them all together. Shuffling weakling they moved at the slavers commands until they were told to sit.

Squinting, Rory did his best to focus on where he was. The band had stopped at a small abandon settlement. The stone houses were hollow and bleached almost white from the sun. The slavers seemed jovial as they shouted with pleasure when the well was found still working. A Ulki man came along the line of chained men with a bucket sloshing full of cool water. He stopped at each prisoner allowing them to drink their fill before moving onto the next.

"Don't know why they deserve any." He commented sounding annoyed.

"Can't sell 'em if their dead." Said the one with the whip as he stood near by.

Rory gulped as much as he could without choking but still hated to see the bucket move on. His senses cleared and he realized he was sitting next to Rashad.

"Rashad." He whispered.

"Shh." The boy hissed.

"No talking!" Shouted the slaver with the whip.

Resigning himself to silence, Rory turned his attention to the slavers. They worked in an orderly fashion erecting tents, watering the camels and gathering wood from the abandon homes.

"Ananias. Sure we should stop here?" the Ulki man with the bucket asked the man with the whip in bad Kallistosi.

"I ain't in charge, Temujin." Ananias replied in perfect Kallistosi, his eyes never leaving the men in chains.

"You know what the Ashkhasi say about abandon places like this." Temujin went on in a worried tone.

"No. What?" Ananias replied with curiosity.

"Ghulah live in them." Temujin said offering the other man water.

Taking the ladle, Ananias now looking at his companion, "What's a Ghulah?"

"A jinn spirit. They stalk the desert searching for men to eat." Temujin palmed a medallion that hung from his neck and kissed it reverently.

Ananias burst in laughter spitting water from his mouth, "A jinn! You've been listening to trouper stories too much. There's no such thing."

From somewhere out in the ever darkening desert, the laugh of a hyena echoed back. Rory shivered at the sound. The men paused, staring in its direction, Temujin kissing his medallion again. "Under the eternal blue sky," he muttered, then turned to his friend, "I might have heard it from a player. Doesn't mean its not true."

Ananias shrugged. "Can't go any further anyhow. Too dark."

A goat was slaughtered and roasted over the open fire. The smell made Rory's mouth water and his stomach ache and rumble. None of it was given to the captives. As darkness rolled across the desert the cold came with it.

Ananias left Temujin to guard the captives as he went to bunk down inside the tents where it was warm. Grumbling Temujin made himself a small fire. It was close enough to Rory that he could feel its warmth. It wasn't much, but he was grateful. Beside him, Rashad's head bobbed. Leaning towards him, Rory offered his shoulder. Too tired to fight, Rashad took it. Despite his hunger, sleep came for him too and he rested his head on the top of Rashad's and closed his eyes. It felt like he had just closed his eyes when Rory opened them again at the sound of a woman's voice. "Hello?"

Rory shifted to look. To his right, standing between two stone houses was the silhouette of a woman. "Could you help me? I've lost my way." She said.

Rory remained still. His senses telling him there was danger. With the moon behind her, her face was shrouded in shadow. She took a step forward.

"Who goes there!" Temujin shouted jerking awake and jumping to his feet.

"Hello. Could you help me? I've lost my way." The woman repeated in the same pleading tone.

Without pause, Temujin went towards her, "Yes, ma'am." He said sounding pleased to see a woman. "Are you cold? Come near the fire." He invited.

The woman came forward stopping just beyond the fire light. Her face still somehow concealed by darkness. The hair on the back of Rory's neck stood on end and he shivered.

Temujin kept his eyes on the woman with obvious curiosity. "Here let me help you." He offered going to her side. "Let me see your face." He said, pulling aside her hiak. 

As he did, his face paled and he yanked his hand back. Stumbling backwards he tripped falling to the ground. The woman was suddenly on top of him. He let out a blood curdling scream as she tore at his face. He scrambled for his blade at his side, but she easily over powered him, pulling his arm from his body.

Rory tried to dive away, waking Rashad. Seeing the woman, Rashad cried out in fright. "The Ghulah." He screamed waking the rest of the camp.

On all fours she crawled over the sand towards them, her mouth dripping with Temujin's blood. Seeing Rory she stopped, cocking her head to the side in confusion. Her hollow eyeless sockets studying him.

Men poured out of the tent at the commotion. Seeing their companion's lifeless body beside the fire they charged at her, but they were no match. She ripped four of them apart, tearing limbs and faces from their bodies. Ananias cracked his whip, catching her by the wrist. Turning her terrifying hollow eyes on him, Ananias froze. From behind her an Ulki swung his ax aiming for her head. Before the blade could touch her, she vanished in a sudden puff of gray mist. For a moment everyone stood still, unsure if it was over. From out in the darkness a hyena laughed.

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