Part 1: Chapter Nineteen: Davyth

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Davyth's head pounded when he woke the next morning, partly from the ass kicking but most of all because of the copious amount of wine he had drank. His stomach heaved and he leaned over the side of his bed to vomit. God help him, he'd never felt so terrible in his life. Finding himself tangled in the sheets, he struggled to free himself kicking someone else. For a second he thought it was Rhodri. No, he and Rhodri had fought, hence the reason he had drank so much. So who was in his bed? Still trapped in the sheets he thrashed harder.

"Saint's wept, Davyth. I'm trying to sleep." said the unmistakable voice of Efa.

Davyth forced his eyes open to see Efa lying naked next to him, her hip length raven hair astray across the bed.

"You need to get out." Davyth ordered.

Efa propped herself up on her elbow, smiling triumphantly, "No, I don't."

He was in no mood. Forcing himself to his feet, he grabbed Efa by the wrist, yanking her from the bed. Dragging her to the door, he shoved her clothes at her, slamming the door behind her. The movement made his head spin and he spilled the contents of his stomach again. Gripping the back of a chair to steady himself, he decided he needed a drink. Sluggishly moving around the room he managed to dress himself. He felt like death as he made his way to breakfast.

The room was empty, all the trays of food still untouched. He wasn't usually the first down. Gulping his tea, he felt the hot liquid soothe his senses. He had bed Efa last night. 'Gods!' he thought with a cringe.

"There you are." Rhodri said from behind, startling him.

"What do you want?" Davyth snapped.

"Your father has summoned you to the privy council chamber." Rhodri replied sullenly.

"It'll have to wait, my head is splitting." Davyth said going back to his tea wincing from his split lip.

Rhodri smirked, "Am I to tell your lord father that you refuse to answer his summons?"

Davyth sighed in aggravation, "Fuck! No, fine." He said, shoving himself back from the table.

Rhodri walked ahead quickening his pace keeping Davyth behind him. 

"How long are you going to be angry with me?" Davyth wanted to know.

"How could I be mad at my prince?"

"Enough with the bullshit, Rhodri. You know I don't mean what I say."

Rhodri said nothing.

"Come on." Davyth said as he reached out and grabbed his lover's arm.

Rhodri wrenched away. "Don't you dare touch me!" he snarled. "The King is in the privy council room."

"Rhodri." Davyth said trying not to sound like he was pleading.

"No, Davyth. Just go. They're waiting."

Rhodri had been right, his father was not the only one in the room when Davyth arrived. Standing next to him was his grandmother, Efa, her father Master Einion and Patriarch. Disheveled, red faced, puffy-eyed and crying, Efa stood with her head down in lace handkerchief. Davyth was in no doubt that Efa's display of drama was calculated. The intense urge to beat her with his fists welled up in him. His grandmother stood at the window with her back to him.

"Davyth, I think it best we get right to the point of this meeting." His father began, "Did you engage in the physical contract of marriage with Lady Efa?"

"Not intentionally." Davyth replied.

"For Nameless sake. Davyth, have some sense of propriety." Thrayd cried out angrily.

"Did you or did you not bed this woman. Yes or no?" Steffan pointed at Efa, ignoring the outburst.

"Yes." Davyth answered through clenched teeth. "But not of my own accord."

Efa's sob echoed through the room.

"Are you suggesting that my daughter forced herself on you?" Einion asked aghast.

"I'm saying I wasn't aware of what I was doing and she knew that."

Steffan's expression was grim. His mouth forming a hard thin line. "Lord Einion," Steffan turned to Efa's father, "does your daughter intend on moving forward with the marriage contract?"

"She does." He replied curtly.

Davyth scowled clenching his fists in rage.

"Very well. Per the physical contract law Efa's dowry will be waived and you may name the wedding date of her choosing. We shall await for you to announce the date. You may go."

Einion and his Patriarch brother bowed low, "Thank you, your Majesty." Wrapping an arm around his daughter, he ushered the tearful Efa out of the room.

"You aren't seriously going to make me marry Efa?" Davyth asked bewildered.

"This isn't what we wanted for you, Davyth. But you have forced your father's hand." his grandmother said softly.

"For god's sake, I didn't do this by choice!" Davyth exclaimed.

"That is enough from you!" Steffan burst out, "This is your fault! You have insisted on living your life like a goddamn rutting stag! Now Efa will be queen and you will live with the consequences of your actions!"

Davyth turned to his grandmother, "I'm telling you the truth!" he asked.

She met his gaze, "You have only yourself to thank. I suggest you don't seek to pass that blame."

Davyth's shoulders sagged, "I can't believe you're going to let her do this."

"You can't always get your way. You are marrying Efa." Steffan quipped.

Davyth chuckled, leaning back in exaggeration, "I can't believe you are letting the fat little Patriarch push you around."

"Hold your tongue! That man communes with the Nameless."

"He communes with little boys." Davyth spat, "and you let a man like that dictate who I, the heir to the most power family of the continent, marry."

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