Part 3: Chapter Seven: Rhodri

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Siop street was filled with the wealthy elite shopping shoulder to shoulder. Their finery glittering in the afternoon sun. This particular street was lined with trendy shops selling their wares that only the high class of Daear would want or could afford. Here with no other purpose but to spend coin, the shoppers milled around, their purses dangling heavily at their sides, just begging to be picked.

In the mouth of a narrow ally between the dress makers and the jeweler sat two children. They were young and ragged in appearance. The girl, of nine, wore a plain brown dress. Patched in many places with a torn raw hem it was thin and too large for her. She was small for her age, due to a life of malnutrition. Her rich brown curls pulled free of her braid framing her angular face. The other, a boy, was a year and a half younger than his sister but the same size. His shoulder length sandy blond hair was as straight and wispy as he was. Both children shared the bright blue eyes of their ancestry.

Leaning against the stone wall of the shop, her brother crouched at her feet, Rhian scanned the crowd. The summer sun glared down. The patrons of Siop street darned wide brimmed hats and papyrus parasols to shield their pale skin. A stark contrast to the sun tanned skin of the observant children.

"Green doublet, by the apothecary, Rhodri." She said.

Without moving his head, the boy's sharp eyes flickered towards the finely dressed target. It was a man, dressed as Rhian had described, in a vibrant green doublet trimmed with sky blue brocade. Their targets were always men. Women weren't permitted to carry coin and it was the weighted pieces of copper, silver and gold they were after. The man in question had a lady hanging on his right arm. A lady in pale, fluttering linen and chiffon. She smiled and flirted with her escort occupying his attention. He was of thin build and tall. His belt was worn loose riding low on his hips. The colorful knit purse hanging on his right pulled heavily on the leather belt. Obviously laden with coin.

The strategy for a mark was simple. Rhian would offer the couple her small bundles of flowers for a coin. The gentlemen didn't often buy her wares, but it didn't matter. Her goal was only to distract them long enough for Rhodri's nimble hands to dip into that coin purse. The understated plan worked well and the siblings had it perfected.

The two moved together. Slipping easily through the crowded street, going mostly unnoticed, approaching their mark from either side.

"Flower for a copper, m'lord?" she asked the mark. She stood close, grabbing at his shirt sleeve, demanding his full attention.

"Get off me, you little urchin." He spat, jerking away. He took two steps back, out of her reach bumping into Rhodri.

Seeing the little hand buried in his purse the lord went ashen. Quicker than Rhodri was, he grabbed the boy wrist. "You filthy little thief!" he snarled yanking Rhodri around by the arm, pulling him off his feet. Rhodri screamed as his forearm snapped. Coming to his brother's rescue, Rhian threw the bundle of flowers into the lord's face and slammed her foot down onto his toes with all her might. The Lord cried out in pain, but his grip of Rhodri held firm. Regaining his fight, Rhodri twisted around and bit down on the man's hand. Again the lord cried out this time releasing the boy. "The little bastard bit me!" he shouted.

Taking Rhodri's hand, Rhian pulled him along, weaving as fast as she could through the crowds. She sprinted down an ally, around the corner and ducked into the smithy, hiding behind a stack of barrels. Pulling Rhodri close to her, she cradled his head. They waited to see if the lord had followed them but he made no appearance.

"What are you too doing in my smith?" the smithy growled down at them. A big man with thick, fire singed arms created by a lifetime as a black smith.

"Please, m'lord. My brother, he's hurt." Rhian pleaded.

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