Part 3: Chapter Nineteen: Thrayd

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Her toast was burnt. Thrayd scowled at it tossing it down onto the porcelain plate with a clang. Allowing Efa control over the household had been against her better judgment and now her breakfast was inedible.

"Take this away." She ordered the serving girl. Even this girl was a new addition. She might have been pretty had it not been for the strange grotesque disfigurement covering half of her face. No doubt Efa had chosen her for this exact physical characteristic. Certainly not for her ability to cook. The young Queen's insecurities over attractive staff was blatant and she would need to be corrected.

Gods she was tired. Sleep still eluding her night after night in her old age. Her vision seemed fuzzy and she was feeling a bit dazed. Thrayd's head turned at the sound of the Secretary's brisk walk. 

"Your grace," he said entering the breakfast room, "I apologize for the early intrusion. But it's a matter of urgency." The Secretary paused in hesitation.

"Go on." Thrayd urged.

"There's been an incident in the Summer islands."

Thrayd face went grim. Of course there was. With Syros and the army here in Mynyth there was no one to maintain control over the islands. "Who was it? Haemon?"

"No, your grace." Gawain paused, "Appears it was pirates."

"Pirates?" Thrayd replied, her shock plain. "There's no pirates west of Pelagoes."

"Seems there are, your grace. They over took an armed cargo ship traveling from Ponciau to 

Mynyth. Another ship near by tried to intervened but they over powered as well."

Thrayd paled. 'Two ships!' "How much cargo was lost?"

"Nearly a ten thousand pounds gold worth of cargo. Not including the ships themselves, your grace, or the weaponry aboard."

"Saints wept." Thrayd swore, "and the crew?"

"Dead, as far as we know, your grace."

Thrayd stood, walking slowly to the large windows that over looked her private gardens. Gardens that were now beginning to bud and bloom. "Why are there pirates in my waters? Why hasn't our navel rangers been able to control them? Has Lord Master Dey been made aware?"

"No, your grace. Lord Dey is no longer master of the navel rangers. A Lord apparent Carwyn Povey has been appointed to the position."

"Povey?!" Thrayd cried, "That whoreson? He shouldn't be entrusted to wipe the King's ass! Who appointed him?" Thrayd demanded as she spun to face the Secretary.

Gawain cleared his throat, "The heir, your grace."

Thrayd stiffened, "I see." She said coolly.

"It seems Master Povey has been keeping the rangers in the harbor and pocketing royal provisional fund."

"Has he now?" Thrayd paused. "Complete the report and turn it over to Gryffyth with the order that he is to find a way to recoup the loss. You may go."

Gawain bowed, "Your grace."

Following the Secretary out, Thrayd turned west towards the Prince's wing. Her grandson's chamber was dark, his sleeping body on the bed barely visible. Entering the room, she crossed silently to the window throwing back the heavy velvet curtains. Light flooded into the large gilded chamber. She hadn't expected him to be sleeping alone, but was still unhappy to see Rhodri leaping to his feet as she approached the bed. She ignored him as he scrambled for his clothing.

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