Part 1: Chapter Sixteen: Davyth

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Davyth whistled merrily as he strode into the quiet chapel. Intrigue was Davyth's favorite thing. Secret trysts, affairs in the shadows, hushed couplings, these were pastimes to him. When the Duthaichi Princess's attractive tutor had mysteriously informed him, she wanted a private meeting, Davyth was enthusiastically curious. Surprised as well, she hadn't really seemed keen on him since they'd met.

The Duthaichi sat in the front pew, her back to him when he entered. Davyth plopped down unceremoniously, pivoting in his seat to face her.

"You summoned?" he said with a chuckle.

"Yes, thank you for meeting me here." she replied politely, sitting poised with a sealed scroll in her lap.

"What can I do for you? Have you tired of my brother's company so soon?" Davyth asked with a grin.

Ignoring him, the Princess cleared her throat, "I'd like to offer you a legacy."

Davyth leaned back, "I already have one of those." He replied.

"I am offering a better one. One of action not inherited."

He studied her severe expression with a smirk, "I'm listening."

"I'm going to submit my name as a contender and I am asking you to solidify my chances by making me your choice." Brenn said frankly.

Davyth paused, startled, this was not at all the direction he had expected the conversation to go. 

"And the legacy you speak of?" he asked.

"You would be King of both Daear and Duthaich, the first sovereign to reign over two countries." she responded.

Continuing to stare at her, he ran his fingers through his hair. "I will only rule Duthaich if Mehdoc is removed, but that is your gain in marrying me, I'm guessing."

She nodded curtly.

Davyth mulled. Aside from her being Faun, she was beautiful, well educated, appeared to be pious enough and her presence was good. She would be the best contender by far. He could do much worse with any of his other choices. Thinking of Gryffyth's daughter, he grimaced. He also found the military campaign she brought with her appealing, an opportunity to show off his untested battlefield prowess.

"I thought you preferred the company of my brother?" Davyth wondered out loud.

The Princess paused, pressing her lips together. "Prince Llewellyn is not the heir and I need an army." She said pragmatically.

"I see, so I am to pretend that you didn't spend the night with my brother?" Davyth replied, thoughtfully studying her.

She tensed, her posture going stiff and rigid. "Just as I would pretend I don't noticed your countless infidelities throughout our marriage." She replied.

Davyth's laughter boomed through the church. Hopefully that stringency of hers didn't seep into the bedroom. "Alright." He replied at last, "But I have my own requirements."

"Such as?"

"We will be wed by a Nameless ceremony. No Duthaichi magical binding."

Brenn's brows shot up in surprise.

Davyth continued, "I will retain equal power as King in Duthaich. I will not be King in name only."

"Is that all?"

"For now."

"Then I agree."

"Good. I accept your submission." He paused, "My grandmother will do be best to put a stop to this. So we'll wait and make a public announcement at the Feast of the Nameless the same day I submit my choice to the council."

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