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Maegan's POV

I closed my journal that I wrote my poems in. I slid it back under my pillow, for safe keeping, even though it's the most obvious place to hide something in your room. I leaned my head back against the bed frame and began smiling, thinking about what had happened with Ashton.

A lot of questions ran through my mind. Like, what are we now? This is usually the part in a relationship where it got really awkward, or that's what I've seen in the movies. Most of my relationships didn't happen like this. In high school, I was friends with a guy. I gave him my number, and he would text me until he or I called the other boyfriend/girlfriend. This was something different, and I loved to write about it already.

There was a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in," I said. I knew it was Hannah. She opened the door and stood with her head leaning on the door frame.

"I'm all packed," she said quietly.

"Already?" I asked. Hannah only had like three days left with me, but I expected her to wait until last minute to finish or actually start packing. She nodded. "Are you sad?"

"Sad, angry, unhappy, furious," she continued a list of synonyms for sad and angry. I patted a spot on my bed for her to sit. "You know what sucks the most?"

"What's that?"

"As soon as you start talking to a member of my favorite band, I have to move. That's just any fangirl's luck, especially mine."

"Can I tell you something?" I asked. Hannah nodded. "He kissed me." I covered my mouth like a cliche thing a girl in high school would do. "Twice."

Hannah freaked. She asked me questions that I tried to answer.

Of course the one I couldn't answer was 'what are you guys now?' I replied that I didn't know.

"If you two end up getting married, I will die. Set me up with Calum.---Ugh! You can't! I'm leaving," Hannah babbled on.

"And you're way too young for Calum." Hannah started laughing. "I'm serious. Now, let's get go do something."

"Um, actually," Hannah began, dragging out the y.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I promised Rachel I would hang out with her," she said.

I sighed. "I had to beg my boss to let me stay home these last couple days and the next few days."

Hannah shrugged. "Go to work today. I promise the next three days will be us, besides it's Sunday. She has school the next few days."

I got out of bed and started searching for my work clothes. "Go get ready. I'll drop you off on my way to work."

"I'm all ready," she said.

"Well, go so I can get ready!" I yelled. I leaned over and grabbed my pillow and threw it at Hannah. She started laughing and then saw my book.

"You still write?" she asked.

"Yes! Now, go!" I wasn't mad, but I just wanted to get to ready.

I actually got to work on time after I called to let my boss know I was coming in and dropping Hannah off.

"Ma'am, can you help me?" an elder woman asked.

I turned around to face her. "Yes ma'am?"

"Where are the beans?" she asked.

"Aisle 4," I answered. I had the whole store memorized or most of it.

"Oh, thank you, sweet heart," she said. She walked off, and I began walking to the front. I got called to bag. I bagged the same items and some unusual items over and over again all day. I never put the eggs or bread on the bottom. I wish I would've done that when a rude customer went through the line. But you can probably tell, bagging is a boring job.

"So you weren't going to come in today?" Katie, the cashier I was working with, asked.

"Yeah, I won't be here for the next few days," I said.

"I heard. Thank goodness you came today. I was going to be teamed up with," Katie began to whisper, "Tracy." I laughed a little. Tracy always criticized every Cashier because she thought she was too good for bagging. I continued to bag.

"Maegan?" I heard. I looked up to see Ashton. "I thought you didn't have to work?"

"I wasn't supposed to. Hannah decided last minute that she wanted to hang out with her friend," I explained. He just nodded. I bagged his groceries, which were things you would think a group of teenage boys would eat. "Need help taking your groceries?" I always had to ask that.

"Sure," he said. He seemed really distant. As we began to walk to his car, it got more awkward.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." He shrugged and unlocked his car.

"I don't know you that well, Ashton, but I know something is wrong. You can tell me," I told him. He put the last bag into his car.

He licked his lips. "Well." He let out a deep breathe. "I just don't know. You acted really weird after we kissed. Then, I don't know if you're lying to me about working. I don't know if you're trying to avoid me."

"You can ask my boss. You can ask Hannah. I wasn't going to work," I said. "I have no reason to lie."

"Are you sure? You don't feel awkward around me after the kiss?" he asked.

"Yeah, I do, only because I don't know what it meant," I said.

"What do you think it meant? Obviously, it means I like you."

"I figured," I said and laughed. Ashton even laughed. "I just don't want you to think I lied. I really do like you too. I wasn't trying to avoid you."

Ashton smiled. "I guess I trust you." He let out a small laugh. "Thanks for helping me."

"Even though I didn't put a bag in your car, you're welcome," I said. I took the cart and put it in the cart return as Ashton left.

"That took a long time," Katie said as I got back. "Is that someone special? I mean, he did know you. I don't know."

"You could say that," I said. I went back to bagging items, never putting bread or eggs on the bottom.

(A/N- Nothing is official yet. (; )

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