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Maegan's POV

Today was the day, the day that Hannah leaves with Aunt Gina. You could say I wasn't ready. I had time to prepare for today, but can you really prepare?

There was a knock on the door.

"She's here," Hannah told me, even though I already knew. I walked to the door with what seemed like baby steps. I opened it up to reveal Aunt Gina who had aged a lot.

"Hello," she said and took me into a big hug. "How have you been?" She stepped inside, and I closed the door.

"Really fine," I said. I was going to say good, but I'm not good as of right now.

"How about you, Hannah? Are you all packed?" Aunt Gina turned to Hannah with a big smile.

"Yes ma'am," Hannah answered. I knew Hannah was faking a smile.

"Our plane doesn't take off until tonight. I'd say we have a few hours to catch up," Aunt Gina.

"Wait, a plane?" Hannah asked. "I figured we would drive." Hannah and I both hate planes, very very much.

I leaned in to whisper to Aunt Gina. "You know she doesn't want to fly."

"I flew on a plane down here. You'll be fine," she said. She definitely didn't have a sensitive side.

"Fine," Hannah said, even though I saw the worry in her eyes. I felt so bad.

We all gathered into the living room to catch up.

"Leaving behind a boyfriend?" Aunt Gina asked Hannah.

"He's not my boyfriend, but he was so close to asking me out. It's a boy in my 3rd period class," Hannah answered.

"Oh, do you have his number?" Aunt Gina asked.

"Yeah, but I'm just a teenager. You don't do long distance relationships in high school," Hannah said.

"Well, you will meet a lot of new boys," Aunt Gina told Hannah. She turned her attention to me. "Any boys in your life?"

"Yes!" Hannah yelled. She pulled out her phone and showed her something. I assumed it was pictures. "He's in a band, and I went to one of his concerts, and he has a tattoo of her name on him, but that's from him being drunk, and they kissed, and they will be touring the west coast soon, and I have to go again, and I already have my ticket. My ticket was a going away present from Ashton. Oh, his name is Ashton." I really wish Hannah didn't tell everything, like about the tattoo.

"He drinks?" Aunt Gina asked.

"It's the 21st century," I answered.

"Oh, he's Australian! I knew I forgot something," Hannah added.

"Maegan, don't get involved with an alcoholic. Some turn into abusers, and I love you too much to watch someone hurt you," she said. If I had the guts, I'd tell her she was hurting me by taking Hannah. Sadly, I don't have the guts.

"He isn't an alcoholic. You can have a couple drinks without being an alcoholic," I explained.

"I just want what is best for you," she said.

"And I want what's best for Hannah," I said.

"And she will get that, moving with me. Trust me." She took a deep breathe. "I was going to to wait until we we're leaving, but now is a good time. We only got like an hour or less anyway."

"What?" I asked, really concerned that I was going to receive bad news.

"Your uncle and I love you very much. I want to offer you some money for college. What do you think?"

"College is in a lot of people's plan, but it's not in mine. I used to think I might go, but not anymore," I said. "You know that."

"You're going to work at a grocery store forever?" Hannah asked. The question didn't settle easy with me. I had plans, but college isn't in them.

"Look, you need to pack the car," I said.

After the car was packed, my aunt came back up to me. "Your uncle wants me to give you the money anyway. Legally, I have to. It's money your parents left you. I thought if I offered it for college, you'd say you'd go. I was the trustee, and I think now is the time to give it to you. I know you're an adult, but your parents wanted you to earn it. I think by letting Hannah move with me, and standing up to me about the college just proves you're independent. I thought saying you'd go to college would be the way to earn it."

That was something I didn't expect. "I didn't know anything about money."

"Nobody knew except me and your uncle. It's quite a large amount. It was enough to get you through college. That's why I was pushing it," she went on. "Look, I trust you with this money, and you better not blow it. Don't make me regret giving it to you." She turned to go to the car and came back with a rather large envelope. "Most of that is paperwork that I had to do, and you'll just have to take that to the place. I don't remember what it's called, but it's in the paperwork. Oh, and don't quit your little job. Save this money, if you're going to be smart about it."

"Thank you," I said. I gave Aunt Gina a huge hug. I wish she would've given me the money when I had Hannah. It would've saved me a lot of troubles.

Then, it was time for them to leave to catch their plane. There were definitely a lot of tears shed and even more from me after they left.

The one thing I told Hannah to do was call me as soon as she is about to get on the plane and as soon as she gets off. Oh, and I told her that I loved her.

I miss her already.

(A/N- basically a filler... Hannah leaving is not a big story changer.)

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