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Maegan's POV

"Am I staying at yours?" Ashton asked. He was driving. "If so, I can go grab some clothes real quick and then go to your place."

"I figured you were staying," I told him.

"Alrighty." Ashton made a right, where he would've made a left if he was taking me home first. "You can just stay in the car if you want. I don't think anyone is home, and I'm only going to be five minutes." Diana by One Direction began to play on the radio. While Ashton was driving, he was tapping his fingers on the steering and humming along. He never took his gaze off the road, until he went to turn right, and he caught me looking at him. "What?" Ashton had a confused look.

"Nothing." I shrugged it off. Another song came on, and he continued to hum and tap.

He caught me again. "What is it?" He pulled into his driveway and put the car in park. He slapped his hands on his thighs. "Do I have something in my teeth?" I started to laugh. He smiled, but then he put his hand over his mouth. "Tell me!"

"You don't have anything in your teeth," I explained. "I was just watching you hum and tap to the songs. You were so into it." It was one of those moments where you look at someone and just think 'Wow, I'm so lucky to know/love/be with this person'. "Now, go get your stuff."

"I won't be long." Ashton jumped out of his car and ran into his house. I started to think about how much I did care about Ashton and how much I did want to meet his family. My fear of flying was keeping me from doing that. The fear did come from the plane crash that killed my parents. Hannah had gotten over her fear, and she was the one that no one thought would. I think my fear was bigger than hers because I was supposed to be on that crashing plane, and I still think about that. But really, I did care about Ashton more than I did about my fear. Ashton got back a few minutes later. "See, that didn't take long."

The car ride home was filled with music, nothing special. It was a typical car ride. When we got to my house, we entered and got some snacks and went to my room. We somehow managed to want more food after being full from dinner.

"I'll be right back," I said and went to the restroom.

"You better not take as long as you did earlier," Ashton yelled through the door. When I was done in the bathroom, I entered back into my bedroom. Ashton was sitting in my bed with his back to the backboard and was flipping through some channels. "Nothing good," he said as I walked over to the side of the bed that he wasn't on.

I looked over the snacks. "Did you steal my ice cream?" I continued to look up under the pile of snacks we had and couldn't find it. "I got the spoon." I looked at the spoon and back at the bed. "I think I left it."

"Maegan," Ashton said, so I looked up at him. "It's right there." He pointed to the foot of the bed, and he started laughing. "I was waiting to see how long it took you!"

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Damn."

"Hey, don't swear!" he yelled. "I can't kiss a potty mouth."

"Fine," I said as I sat down beside Ashton. He wrapped his arm around my lower back. I looked at him, and he looked at me. With his free hand, he lifted my chin and gave me a kiss. Ashton started smiling into the kiss who he'd ended up make me laugh, and then, he started laughing. When the laughing died, I went back for another kiss, and I acted as if I was going to take off his shirt, but I tickled his sides. Ashton jumped as a reflex, and I laughed. Ashton sent me a glare. "You could tease a tease."

"Oh, well," I said and tossed Ashton a thing of cookies. "I love messing with you."

That night ended up being a typical snack-out and watch random episodes of Friends in no order. We would watch a season 2 episode; then, we would watch a season 5 episode. It was just random. It was a fun night.

I woke up the next morning with Ashton's arm laying over my side. I hated to move, but I did. The bed was a mess with food wrappers and some food. I started to pick up some of the wrappers, and I hoped I wouldn't wake up Ashton. I had gotten most of the trash up when Ashton started waking up.

"Good morning," I said when I saw his eyes open. He yawned and took a deep breathe afterwards.

"Morning," he said in his morning voice. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good," I replied. "How about you?"

"I slept really good." He got out of bed and more wrappers fell. "Looks like we pigged out."

"Looks like it," I said as I scooped all the wrappers up. I dropped them in the trash can in my room. "Do you want some breakfast?"

Ashton stood up and stretched. "After last night? I need to go to the gym."

"So that's a no?" I asked.

"No, of course I want breakfast," he admitted. He walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and rested his head on mine as we walked to the kitchen. It was kind of hard to walk down the stairs. When we got down there, I decided on pancakes. For me, that was quick and easy. While I cooked, Ashton had his arms wrapped around me. He would occasionally give me a kiss on my cheek or neck.

When we sat down at the table, I began the conversation. "So I slept on the Australia thing."

Ashton looked up from taking a bite. "You did?" I gestured to the side of my mouth to let him know that he had something by his. He wiped it away and chuckled.

"Yeah, and I think I want to go," I announced.

Ashton's jaw dropped and turned into a smile. "That's great! -- You don't feel pressured to go, do you?"

I shook my head. "I really want to meet your family and see a new world."

"And who knows, maybe you'll start going to concerts in Europe or somewhere."

"I think the flight to Australia and back will do just fine for me for a while," I told him. He started smiling at me. "What?"


(A/N- I write really short chapter updates all the time. BOOOO! I will start writing longer ones soon. I'm already thinking on another Ashton ff. YEAH!)

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