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Ashton's POV

Luke kept bugging me about when I should go meet Maegan. I hadn't been in much of a rush, but he insisted on me going that day. I ended up telling Michael and Calum the story, and they both insisted on me going.

"Aren't you the least bit interested?" Luke asked.

"Why is Luke more worried about this than you?" Calum asked.

I shrugged. "He's just excited he found someone with the same name as on my chest."

"I got an idea!" Michael announced. He stood up and put his hand in his pocket. He pulled out a quarter. (We have American money because we moved to LA to be closer to places we go to a lot for our music career.) "Heads you go, tails you wait."

"Okay," I surrendered to all the nagging they had already been doing since everyone in the house found out. Michael flipped the coin and caught it. He held it in his closed fist and turned it over. He removed his hand off the coin. "What is it?"

"It's heads," he said.

I stood up quickly. "Let me see." He pushed the coin over in my face.

"Whatever," I groaned. I still didn't feel well from last night, and I didn't want to leave the house. I started walking upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Calum called to me.

I turned around to face them. "I'm going to go change out of my lounge clothes." I started walking back upstairs. When I reached my room, I started to change. I put on the usual skinny jeans, and I just grabbed a random shirt. I walked downstairs. Luke was waiting on me at the bottom of the stairs. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting, for you. I know what she looks like, and I talked to her. I should go with you," he said.

I nodded and grabbed the keys to my car. "Then, what are we waiting for?" I walked outside with Luke following me, and he rode shot gun all the way to the store.

I wasn't even nervous to do this, as in meet Maegan. I was more annoyed with the fact that I was doing this with a major headache that still hasn't left. Luke, on the other hand, was thrilled with himself.

We got out in the parking lot. Luke was trying to rush me, but I knew this wasn't something I had to do. I ended up walking into the store anyway. Luke began looking around the checkout lanes.

"See her?" I asked.

He kept looking. "No, I don't know where she is." He started walking away but turned back to me as he walked. "Hold on." He turned back around and continued on. He walked up to a lady and started to talk to her. She pointed to an aisle, and Luke came back. "Follow me."

I followed behind Luke like a lost puppy because I had no clue where we were going. "What are we doing?"

"The lady up there told me she was over here," Luke said. He took an unexpected turn down an aisle, so I turned behind him. I saw Luke, and he was looking at some stuff on a shelf.

I walked over to him. "What are you doing?" I asked. I was really confused now.

Luke quickly hushed me. He began to whisper to me. "The girl down there is Maegan." He gestured down the aisle. "Go over there and say you need help."

"What? No, you go," I told him.

"She already spoke to me today. You go," Luke told me. I let out a deep breath.

"Come with me," I told him. I didn't even know what to say when I got to Maegan. Luke could help me when I got down there. Luke caved and began to walk with me.

"Excuse me," Luke said when we reached Maegan who was stacking items on the shelves. Maegan turned around and looked at Luke.

"When you said you shopped here a lot, I thought you meant like once a week," she must've joked because Luke chuckled.

"Well, I actually--" Luke began.

Maegan cut him off. "I actually have to get back to bagging items. You know where to find me." She gave a small wave and walked off.

"That went well. I guess it's time to go home," I started. Luke gave me a stern look.

"Follow me," he said. He grabbed a few items, which turned out to be canned soup, and walked off. I walked behind him as closely as I could, so I didn't lose him in the crowd. He found the line where Maegan was bagging, and we waited. It took a while for us to reach the register.

"Find everything fine?" the cashier asked.

"Just fine," Luke replied.

The cashier scanned the items. "Your total is $11.34." Luke paid and went to grab the bags.

"Would you like any help?" Maegan asked.

"Yes, I would," Luke said. Now, I saw what Luke's plan had become. We walked out to the car, and Luke had started the conversation I dreaded. "I have a question for you, Maegan."

"What is it?" she asked. We about reached the car.

"Where all did you go last night, because you told me you went out last night?" Luke asked.

"Why?" she asked as we kept walking.

"My friend here, Ashton, and I went out last night too. I left him at the club we were at, not thinking he was too drunk. Turns out he gets a tattoo with the same name you have, which there are not a lot of people who spell your name the way you do. He can't remember anything, so we would just like to know where you went," Luke said. I had been quiet this whole time.

Maegan turned around to look at me and sighed. "I remember everything."

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked. "Please." We had already reached the car, and Luke put the bags inside.

"Look, I want to tell you everything, but I have to get back inside," Maegan said. "My manager is really not the understanding type."

She started to walk back. "Wait!" I called to her. She turned around. "Can I call you, and we schedule something up to talk about last night?"

"No," she said and shook her head.

"Then, how will I get ahold of you?"

"I have plans after work today, but I get off at 5pm tomorrow. Maybe if you come by then, we can talk in the parking lot."

Luke dropped his hand on my shoulder. "He'll be there!" he yelled to Maegan. She smiled and waved. She walked back inside. "Was that so hard?"

"No, but I'm glad you came," I said. We got into the car and drove home.

I really just wanted to know how I got this tattoo on my chest. I thought I was going to find out today, but I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow.

(A/N- HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone has a great 2015!!)

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