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*When I was about 13, I had a rhyming phase with my poems. It became natural to write like that so enjoy the beginning.*
Maegan's POV

I remember getting the phone call.
I was supposed to fall.
You were supposed to stand tall.

I remember telling her.
I saw the look on her face that had to occur.
I wish that's not what it were.

I tried.
I cried.
I lied.

I lost myself that day.
I said I was okay.
I'm not even myself today.

I have a new fear.
It hit me like a spear.
Everything is still unclear.

That was the poem I wrote a week after I found out about the crash. (I was in my rhyming phase.) I decided to read it on the way to the airport. Surprisingly, it helped me cope. It helped me realize how far I've come from that day, and I will be okay.

Michael and his girlfriend had drove us to the airport at 12 in the afternoon. They'd also be picking us up.

"You guys all set?" Michael asked as he pulled up to the front doors. He turned around to look at us. We were gathering our luggage.

"I am," Ashton spoke as he began to open his door. He looked at me. "Maegan?" I was slower at gathering my things. "Are you okay?"

I began to reach for my door. "I am." I may have had a slight smile on my face, but I was terrified.

"Have fun, guys!" Michael said to us. "Call me whenever." We got out of the car and rushed inside.We were running a little behind and had to go through security and everything.

"Flight 127 to Australia is now boarding," the intercom speaker announced. I took a deep breathe and stood. I grabbed my bags and waited for Ashton. We held hands, but I was still following behind him. Once he handed the attendant his ticket, we had to let go of hands until I got my ticket checked. We boarded the plane. I was in my seat waiting for takeoff. Ashton was talking to me, but I was just focused on landing.

"This is your captain speaking. We are getting ready for takeoff. The estimated time for this flight is 14 hours, so we should land around 2 in the morning, eastern time. Sit back and relax," the captain spoke. The flight attendant showed everyone how to buckle up and some other safety tips that I did pay attention to.

"Here we go," Ashton said as the plane began to take off. The plane went through take off turbulence. Turbulence is basically when the plane starts to shake, aside from all the scientific terms. I gripped Ashton's hand a little tighter. The turbulence didn't last long. "Can I have my hand back?"

I looked down at my hand which was strangling Ashton's. "I'm so sorry!" I blurted. I let go of his hand.

"It's fine. I just might not be able to play drums for a while," he joked.

"Ha ha," I faked a laugh. "I was scared."

"Do you know how many planes I've been on in the last six months?" Ashton asked.

"About 30," I answered. He looked at me confused. I guess he wasn't expecting an answer. I shrugged. "I've kept count."

"Did you really?"

"I always know what plane someone I love is on. I can't relax if I don't," I admitted. "I guess that came my thing after, you know."

"That makes sense."

"Can I get you guys anything?" a flight attendant came over and asked. She was an older woman, probably about 55.

"I'm good," Ashton responded.

"Me too," I answered.

"Is this your first time flying?" she asked me. "I can tell by the constant tapping of your foot. It happens a lot."

I hadn't even noticed. "It's my first time in a while," I answered.

"Just relax." She looked back at my foot and at me. "Would you like a water? It helps calm the nerves." She went ahead and passed it to me.

"Thank you," I told her. She smiled and moved on to the next people. I started drinking the water.

"Helping?" Ashton asked.

I shook my head. "No." I looked out the window. It was weird to see the world from another point of view. The scariest part was being over the water, and that was most of the trip. I quickly adjusted to it. "Hey, Ashton." I turned to look at Ashton, and he was asleep. I didn't wake him up. I kept looking out the window, falling in love with the sight of just water. Everything was beautiful. About 8 hours into the flight, I fell asleep.

You know that moment like you feel like you're falling, and you wake up? That happened to me, and it happened at the worst time. We were landing. I didn't panic though. After I saw no one else panicking, I was okay.

"I hope you enjoyed flying Area Airlines," the captain spoke when we landed.

"You did it!" Ashton cheered. We both stood up, and he faced me. "I'm so proud of you." He placed his hands on my hips and gave me a kiss. We both smiled during this kiss and laughed.

"I'm ready to get off this plane," I admitted. Ashton moved out of my way, and he let me get off the plane first. We got our luggage and had to take a taxi to a hotel room. We were staying in a hotel room on the first night, only because we landed at 7 pm, in Australia, and we were on California, 2am, time. When we got to the hotel room, I texted Hannah to let her know I was okay. Ashton called his mom and let her know we would arrive tomorrow whenever we woke up and got ready, depending on our jet lag. "How does it feel to be back home?"

"It feels weird," he admitted. "It's even more weird to be here for you to meet my mom." He sat on the bed. "Are you nervous to meet my mom?"

I laid down. "I was more nervous for the plane ride. That's only because we've skyped with your mom before. I think it'll be fun."

"I know she's going to ask how we met and everything, only because she knows about the tattoo and everything."

"Is that a big deal?" I asked.

"I don't know yet."

(A/N- I could related to this chapter by the fear of flying. I PERSONALLY WROTE THAT POEM PART. I used to be in a rhyme phase when I wrote, and it helped me so much with that poem. I don't write like that now. Anyway, the next chapter will be longer... I know I've said that before, but these past chapters have just been FILLERS!!)

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