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Maegan's POV

"Hannah, it's time to go," I said as I walked into the back room of the store. Hannah was passed out sitting on a chair. I walked over to her and woke her up. "Hannah, we're leaving." Hannah yawned and strecthed. "Are you ready?"

"I just have to grab my bookbag," she said and rose up from her seat. She walked over to her bookbag and grabbed it. "I'm ready." We exited the store and got into my car. "Are we going to talk about anything interesting?" Hannah nudged me as I drove out of the parking lot. Hannah usually goes to sleep on the way home or doesn't talk to me and puts her headphones in.

"Like?" I asked.

"Don't play coy," she said.

"Coy? When did you get so smart?" I asked.

"Don't change the subject. You have Ashton Irwin's phone number. Is that not a big deal to you? When I tell Rachel, she is going to flip!"

"I don't know who he even is. We just had one drunk night spent together at a club," I said. I didn't see Hannah's face, but I knew she must've looked shocked. She didn't know about the club thing. "I went with Samantha. She was wanting to party and wanted a sober ride home. Although, I wasn't sober, I wasn't completely wasted." I hinted at the fact of me drinking.

"Did you and Ashton get together that night?" Hannah asked.

"Hannah!" I shouted, but a smile crept onto my face and turned into laughter. Hannah used to stay reserved from me, but she seemed so interested now. "But to answer your question, we did not."

"Did you want to?" Hannah asked.

"Hannah," I said, I was completely shocked by her questions. I took a deep breath as I parked the car and turned it off. "We're home."

"I see that, but I want an answer," she said.

"Bye," I said and got out of the car, closing the door behind me.

Hannah jumped out right after. "That must've meant you did," she said. I rolled my eyes and unlocked the house door. I entered a dark house, so I turned on a few lights. "I got the answer I needed."

"No, I didn't want to. What do you want to eat?" I asked.

"Sure, you didn't. I really want pizza," she said.

"If we order it, it will get here late. Can I just get one out of the freezer?" I asked. Hannah hated frozen pizzas, but I could stand them. It was what I could afford.

"I guess," she said. I heard the digust in her voice.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to stay late tonight. I should've picked something up." Hannah shook it off. I made the frozen pizza, and Hannah ate the most she could, which wasn't much. She got tired of it after a while. "You tired?" I asked. It was pretty late, and she had school tomorrow.

"Yeah, I got a few tests tomorrow," she said. I picked up our plates and cups and put them in the sink.

"Did you study?" I asked.

"Are you kidding?" Hannah asked. "No."

"You need to start." I started putting dishes in the dishwasher. I felt arms wrap around me, so I turned around and saw Hannah hugging me.

"I will. I love you," she said.

I smiled at her. "I love you too." She ran upstairs, probably going to shower and go to bed.

Hannah hadn't told me that she loved me since before our parents passed away. They passed away in a plane crash. I was supposed to be on the plane with my mom, but I changed my mind. Instead of me going with my mom, my dad went. He didn't want her to go alone. He was pretty mad at me when I backed out last minute. I knew my mom wanted to go with my dad anyway. I had no desire to go to New York then. I wanted to hang out with my friends, who aren't around me anymore. Hannah always said it was my fault and that she would never forgive me for having our dad go. It's not like I knew that the plane was going to crash. If I could've seen it coming, I wouldn't let my mom or dad get on it.

Now, I am raising my 15 year old sister, Hannah. She was 13 when the plane crash happened. I was 18. I had just graduated high school. I am working at the local grocery store, Val-May. I could be going to college, but I don't have the time anymore. My aunt and uncle said they could take Hannah in, but I am doing a fine job at taking care of us.

It was just really special to hear Hannah tell me that she loves me.

I finally got to go lie down and go to sleep. It felt like a really long day, but it actually turned out to be a pretty good day. The next morning was hectic, only because I forgot to set my alarm, so Hannah and I were both rushing to get ready, but we finally got into the car.

"It's my turn to play music," I said. I started looking for my phone, but I had forgot to grab it. I handed the keys to Hannah. "Go grab my phone please." She ran inside and ran back out.

"You have a text from 'Tattoo boy'. Who's that?" Hannah asked. I took my phone from her.

"Buckle up," I told her. While she buckled, I opened the text from Ashton.

"Good morning," was all it said. I quickly replied the same thing. Then, I started playing music.

"Who is 'Tattoo boy'?" Hannah kept bugging me. 'And what did he want?"

"He wants you to pass your test and have a good day at school," I said as I pulled up at her school.

"Ugh--bye," as she got out of the car. She closed the door behind her and walked into school. I drove to work for another boring day of the same old thing.

(A/N- First Maegan POV. It would've been a little different, but I wanted a background story because there could be possible foreshadowing in the future with it. Hopefully, I will update again before next weekend.)

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