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Luke's POV

I ran upsets and knocked on Calum's door. "Need anything from the store?" I asked through the door.

"No!" Calum groaned because I woke him up. I walked over to Michael's door and asked the same thing.

"Go away!" was Michael's response. I went downstairs to where Ashton was on his phone.

"Anything you need? Tattoo remover?" I joked.

He sent a death glare my way. "I think it's best that you leave now." I left the house and got to the store. I had a couple things I needed to grab. I went down the aisles and got what we needed. I went to check out. I had to wait in a long lane. Finally, I reached the register.

"Find everything okay?" the lady at the register asked. She looked up at me as she scanned my items.

"Sure did," I replied. The girl that scanned my items passed them down to the lady bagging the items.

"That'll be $47.83. How will you be paying?"

"Cash," I said as I pulled out my wallet and paid.

I went to grab my cart and take it to my car. "Need any help?" the lady who bagged my items asked.

I shrugged. "Why not?" We began to walk out of the store. "Thank you for helping me out," I told the girl.

"No problem. We can't come outside unless we're helping a customer, so thank you," she said.

"You don't like bagging items?" I questioned as we walked to my car.

"I wasn't supposed to be bagging today, and I wasn't even supposed to be at work today. I went out last night, and I'm not in the best mood today," she said. I got to my car and unlocked it. I only had like five bags, so it wasn't much.

"I hope your day gets better," I said as I closed the door to my car. "By the way, I'm Luke." I put my hand out to shake hands.

She shook my hand. "Maegan."

There are many ways Maegan can be spelled, so I looked at her name tag to see how she spelt it. Sure enough, she spelt her name like the way it was on Ashton's tattoo.

Could I have possible found the girl that Ashton got a tattoo about? The chances of greater than none. She spelt her name the same way, and she told me she went out last night.

"Nice meeting you. I shop here a lot, so you're probably going to see much more of me," I told her. She laughed.

"Have a good day," she said and took the cart back inside. I got in my car and drove home. I had some news for Ashton. The odds of Maegan turning out to be a local wasn't slim because we did go to a local and small club.

I just couldn't wait to tell Ashton. And to think that if he came, he probably wouldn't even have noticed. I could've just solved a big mystery, if it is the Maegan.

I got home and carried the bags in, in one load because I hate taking more than one trip. Calum was in the kitchen when I got there.

"Is there anymore bags?" Calum asked.

"I got it all," I said. "Have you talked to Ashton today?" I wanted to tell him about what just happened, but I didn't want to if he didn't have any clue about what I was talking about. "Yeah, why?"

"Did he tell you about last night?" I asked.

"He didn't have to tell me anything about you and Lindsey. I heard her laughing as soon as you two walked in. I think you're going to regret it," he said. Ashton clearly didn't tell them, so when I finished putting up what I got, I looked for Ashton. I just wanted to tell him so bad. I passed by Michael on the Xbox. He was too caught up on playing that we couldn't even say two words to each other.

I found Ashton upstairs in his room trying to wash off the tattoo.

"What are you doing?" I asked. I laughed at his attempt to wash off a permanent tattoo.

"What does it look like?" Ashton kept scrubbing the tattoo until his skin became red and matched the color of the heart.

"Just face the fact that it's real," I told him. "But I have possibly good news." Ashton looked up at me, clearly annoyed with himself. "I think I found Maegan."

"How?" he asked.

"She was bagging groceries when I checked out. She helped me to the car, and we had a conversation. She seems really nice, and I think you should go meet her."

"I don't have a reason to go meet her," he spoke and went back to trying to scrub off the tattoo.

"You don't know what went down that night. She might know something--- Ashton, the tattoo is permanent."

He sighed and stopped scrubbing the tattoo for the second time. "Or maybe she was just as drunk as me. What kind of sober person would let a drunk person get their name tattooed on their body?" He never looked away from the mirror as he was looking at the tattoo. "This makes me so mad. Will it fade?"

I laughed and shook my head. "Permanent." He had gotten a tattoo before, so I knew he knew it was permanent. He was just trying to make himself feel better.

"I want to meet Maegan just to see if it's her. I don't want a random person's name tattooed on my body," Ashton said.

"A little too late," I said. Ashton gave me another famous death glare.

"I'm about tired of your comments," Ashton said to me. "Don't think I'm not over you and Lindsey. I want to know what is so wrong with you that you went back to her," he said.

I probably shouldn't have even gone to speak to Lindsey. I don't regret it, but I'm not proud of it.

But at least I didn't get the tattoo.

(A/N- I didn't think I would introduce a Maegan so close, but it wasn't a long chapter and didn't go into much detail. I'll update soon, but I have another story I'm in the process of finishing, so if I have to put this one on hold, I will.)

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