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Maegan's POV

I was sitting in the kitchen with everyone, except Calum.

"Did Calum drink a lot?" Kristen asked. Everyone, except Michael, shrugged.

"He definitely drank a lot. He had a new one in his hand every time I looked at him," Michael answered.

"You didn't stop him?" Luke asked.

"You didn't either," Ashton chimed.

"Nor did you," Michael added. "But at least we know he didn't do anything stupid." There were some footsteps coming from around the corner. Calum entered, and his bed head was crazy.

"Don't," Calum said as he grabbed the nearest stool and sat down.

"Want a toaster strudel?" Michael asked.

"Don't," Calum repeated with a more assertive voice.

"Somebody's hung over. I feel you," Ashton laughed off his statement. The toaster popped, and Calum covered his ears and tried to hold his head. Everyone laughed.

"That's mine!" Luke yelled as he walked by Calum and patted his head.

"Damn you, Luke," Calum mumbled. He got up and walked away, probably to go find some aspirin or something. I have no idea. He might have wanted to get away from the noise.

"Who was that girl he was with last night?" Luke asked.

"You know Henry Records?" Michael asked.

"Of course!" Luke yelled. Henry Records is the largest record label in the world, not really. It's the most popular, but only the best get signed. One Direction got signed. Taylor Swift was turned down. Everyone loves Taylor. It's very hard to get signed.

"Well, Henry Records threw the party last night. Apparently, Calum had been talking to Stacy, the owner of Henry Records' daughter, for about a week before the party. She invited him and us," Michael explained.

"How do you know this?" Ashton asked. Michael tossed him his phone. Ashton looked over the phone. "An article?"

"How could they know more about Calum and Stacy than us?" Luke asked.

"I guess Calum didn't know who the hell he was talking to," Michael blurted. "He better not have acted like an idiot."

"Do you think we have a chance of getting signed over to them? I mean if things go well with them," Luke began to think out loud. From what I've heard from Ashton, any record label would gladly sign you over to them. It brings a lot of attention to the former record label.

"Calum wouldn't use a girl, would he? And if they did get together, we get signed, and they break up, we would be out of a job," Ashton explained. "Besides, it's not going to happen."

"Stop talking about it," Michael snapped when we heard footsteps, obviously Calum. Calum entered and sat in the same spot. Everyone looked at him.

"What?" he groaned. Everyone shook their head and looked away.

"Do you even remember last night?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah," Calum answered. "I remember Michael making me leave."

"We were all ready to leave," Michael told him.

"I wasn't," he said.

"I think you were like a drink away from doing something you'd regret" I spoke. "You drank a lot."

"Well, what can I say? It's fun." Calum fixed his hair to make it a little more decent, but it needed a lot more work.

"What about Stacy?" Michael asked. "She seemed nice."

"She is," Calum replied.

"Why didn't you tell us about her? We had to find out by an article," Luke answered.

"What article?" Calum asked. Ashton passed him Michael's phone. "How would they know this?" Calum then groaned. "I know. Remember that day on tour where I left for a while? I was with her, and we were talking about some things."

"What things?" Ashton asked.

"Basically, just the party," he answered. "It's hard getting used to not talking about certain things in public anymore. We don't have a private life no more."

"Do you really like her?" Kristen asked.

"We haven't been talking for a while, but I am interested in her. She's sweet and funny."

Luke interrupted him. "You're not using her for Henry Records?"

"What the hell kind of guy do you think I am? I would never do that," he protested. He worked on his hair some more. "I really do like her."

"That's all I needed to know," Luke replied. "Now, Kristen and I will be back later. We have some things to do."

"Looks like it's just us," Michael turned to Ashton, Calum, and I.

"I got plans," Calum said. Michael looked at Ashton and I.

Ashton shrugged. "I don't have plans."

"I don't have plans," I said.

A smirk grew on Michael's face. "Maegan, do you like video games?"

"I've played some before," I answered.

"Great," Michael chirped. "This will be fun."

"Do I get to play?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah," Michael told him.

"Have fun," Luke said as him and Kristen left. Calum waved and followed behind.

"Have you by any chance played Skyrim?" Michael asked.

"Once, I was babysitting some little boy," I answered.

"Were you any good?"

"No," I answered. Ashton laughed.

"This will be fun," Ashton said.

"No, it won't," Michael sighed. "But I'll play."

I basically spent my whole day playing video games, or being killed. It was no fun for me, but the boys laughed the whole time.

"You really don't know how to play," Michael said as he put the controller on his table.

"I told you!" I yelled.

"Ah, it's alright," Ashton said. He sat beside me on the bed and wrapped his arm around me. "You'll get better."

"She better buy her own Skyrim because she won't be playing with m--"

Michael was interrupted by Ashton. "Michael, she isn't that bad."

"Do you know why I didn't save it? We made no progress. I think I lost progress," Michael whined. Once he was done putting the game back in its case, he turned around to talk to me. "I'm joking. But you weren't good."

"I know," I said. "Not everyone mastered in video games."

"But they should," Michael said and picked up his drink. He took a chug. "I'm hungry."

"Me too," Ashton said.

"Let's go eat," Michael said and left the room. Ashton got up and put his hand out to help me up.o took his hand, even though I didn't need his help.

"Hungry?" Ashton asked. I nodded. Ashton gave me a kiss.

"That was random," I said with a chuckle.

"I missed you, and I need to make up for all the kisses I missed too," he said.

(A/N- Sorry for the late update. I was sick & then I had vacation, and I just forgot about writing. But hello!!!)

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