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Ashton's POV

"Hurry up!" I yelled at Maegan. I was sitting on her bed, and she was in her bathroom getting ready for dinner night. I asked her to dinner tonight to just spend time together. We really hadn't gotten much time together alone these past two weeks that I've been home from tour. This was the perfect thing, but Maegan was taking forever to get ready.

"I'm sorry! I'm curling my hair!" she yelled back. "I'm halfway done!" She never curls her hair, and I've always bugged her on how she should try it.

"Can I see?" I asked.

"It's not done!"

"I don't care," I replied. Then, her bathroom door opened, she stepped out. Her makeup was done, and she was in shorts in a tank top from where she hadn't bothered to put on her clothes for tonight yet, and her hair was half curled, literally. I started laughing. "The half that is curled actually looks really good, but the other half--" I continued laughing. Maegan walked over to her bed and grabbed her pillow and hit me with it.

"I shouldn't have showed you," she said and hit me again as my laughing cooled. I sat up and grabbed the pillow from her and put it back in its spot. I grabbed her hands and pulled her down onto my lap.

"I love you," I told her. I began giving pecking her cheeks and tickling her sides. "I love you," I repeated. She starting laughing and tried to fight my hands away.

"Ashton, stop!" she yelled, but I didn't listen. She somehow got one of her pillows again and threw it back at me. I stopped tickling her, and she sat up. "You're crazy."

I smiled. "Go finish your hair." She gave me a quick kiss before she left to go finish her hair. Her made bed was looking like a mess, so I decided to fix it some. I pulled the comforter up, and as I was putting her pillows back in their spot, I found a book laying on her bed. The book had no title, so I assumed it was a journal. When I opened it, there was hand written stuff, so I closed the book before I could read anything. "Hey, Maegan?" I yelled.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Does this book go under your pillow?" I asked. Maegan looked through her bathroom door and rushed over to get the book from me.

"Did you read anything?" she asked. I shook my head. "Are you lying?"

"Why would I lie? But what is it?" I asked.

"It's my poetry," she answered.

"Kind of cliché to keep it under your pillow, don't you think?" I asked.

"I keep it there for nights when I can't sleep, and I'm just thinking about stuff," she answered.

"That's a good reason," he said. "Ever written about me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Maegan asked and grabbed her book. "I'll be back." She went back into the bathroom with her journal in hand. Now, I was very curious about it, but I would never try to read it without her permission.

A little while later, Maegan was finished getting ready, and we could leave. Once we pulled up to the restaurant, there were paparazzi there. Everywhere we go, there is paparazzi. When we got out, lights flashed.

"Double dating with Luke and his girlfriend?" someone asked.

"Meeting up with Luke?" another asked.

"Is the rest of the band coming with their girlfriends, if they have any?"

I had no idea what they were talking about until we entered the restaurant. Luke and Kristen were on their way out of the restaurant when they waved at us.

"What are you guys doing here?" Luke asked.

"What else do you do at a restaurant besides eat?" Maegan asked, sarcastically.

"Good point," Luke said. "We'll see you guys later." Then, they left.

"You didn't know they were gonna be here?" Maegan asked.

"I spent the night with you. I didn't get to hear Luke's plans this morning," I explained.

"Two?" the hostess asked.

"Yes ma'am," Ashton answered. She led us to our seat and left, only for a waiter to return and take our order. "You know we can't get any alone time. Even last night with me spending the night, Michael didn't want to be alone, so he came over, and when he left, you were falling asleep. Then, we pass Luke and Kristen just now."

"That's true," Maegan responded. "I haven't really noticed."

"I have. It's bothered me," I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"I don't really know. I guess I just want to spend time together." Our food was brought to our table, and we began to eat. "I have an idea."

"What is it?" Maegan asked.

"How about we go on a week vacation to the beach or something, you and me?" I offered.

"That sounds nice, but won't you have fans bothering you?"

"Well, I mean I have to put up with that now. It'll be worth it. It won't be that bad."

"Where do you want to go?" Maegan asked. She seemed really excited about this idea.

"Not the beach," I mentioned.

"Definitely not the beach," she agreed. When you live in California, you don't go on vacation to a beach. You go get away from the beach. "What was your favorite place on tour?"

"I really would love to take you to Australia," I admitted. "I think you'd love it."

"I do too, but I hate planes." She put a strand of her curled hair behind her ear and tapped her fingers on the table. She was biting the inside of her lip; it was easy to tell. "Y'know."

"You don't want to face your fears?" I asked. "You could see a whole new world. Trust me, it'll be worth it." I watched her as she took a deep breathe, and she looked like she was thinking very hard. "You could meet my family."

Maegan took another deep breathe. "Let me sleep on it."

"I know it's tough," I said. She nodded. "If it comes down to it, we'll go somewhere else, but I just want you to consider it."

"Are you guys thinking about dessert?" the waiter came up to the table and asked.

"I'm full; what about you?" Maegan asked.

"I'm full too," I said. The waiter dropped the receipt off and left. I paid after I had to force Maegan to put her money away. I always tell her she can get the next one, but I always get them. We exited out in the big storm of people that were ready to take pictures.

"Ashton, over here!" I kept walking straight with Maegan's hand in my hand. I held her closer to me to make sure she was always by my side.

"I had fun," I told Maegan as we got in the car. I have her a kiss on the cheek.

"I did too," she said with a smile and returned a kiss.

(A/N- Y'all should know why she is scared of planes, but if you don't, which you should, but if you don't, wait until the next chapter.)

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