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Maegan's POV

It was that time of the day again. It was time for Hannah to get off the bus at my job. Usually, she would have to sit in the back and wait for my shift to end. Today, I got off early. I had worked extra hours this month. (Yes, my job goes by months instead of weeks, so it doesn't hurt your pay as much because it's barely anything over minimum wage.)

The bus stopped in front of the door of the store. Hannah hopped off and rushed into the store. I met her at the door.

"How was the test?" I asked.

"I didn't pass," she sighed. "I'll study harder next time.

"Don't tell Aunt Gina," I told her. "We better hope they don't find out." This was Hannah's seventh test failing in a row. It was usual for Hannah. I expected it, but my aunt and uncle didn't. They threatened to take Hannah to live with them in Oregon. They said her grades would improve, and I could continue my study in their expense. It seems like a good deal, but I can't leave my sister. "Just try harder," I told her. We exited the store.

"You're off?" Hannah asked.

"Sure am, and I really want some ice cream," I told her. She smiled wide. I stopped a quick stop at Dairy Queen or I wanted to. Hannah decided she wanted to stop and have a whole meal, and I was all for it. I really didn't feel like fixing anything that night anyway. I had left Hannah for ten minutes to order and get our food.

"You got a text," she said when I sat down.

"You were messing with my phone?" I asked.

"Your phone went off. I heard it. Your purse opened magically, and I kind of saw what it said," Hannah said.

"What'd it say?" I asked as I divided out the food.

"'I'm free this weekend.'"

"Who was it from?" I asked. I knew who it was, but I didn't want to seem eager because I'm really not at all eager. I only got his number because he's new to town, and Hannah loves his band.

"Tattoo boy," she said. "Please tell me who it is," she said. She poked out her bottom lip. I began to eat and smile. "Maegan," she whined. She sat up tall and began to eat. "I already looked through your contacts and didn't see 'Ashton'. It has to be Ashton."

My mouth dropped open. "I didn't know you were that sneaky," I said.

"I didn't know you were that gullible. I don't know your password," Hannah said. "So it is Ashton." Hannah had an evil smile on her face. I hadn't seen this side of her in almost two years. "But why is his name Tattoo Boy in your phone?"

I told Hannah about that night, and everything that went on. It was mainly how Ashton insisted on getting a tattoo on him, and him trying to get me to get one.

"Ashton has your name on his body?" she asked. "I've got to tell Rachel." She went to grab her phone.

"How many other friends do you have who like that band?" I asked.

"A good bit but it's mostly Rachel," she said.

"You better not tell Rachel then. She's a blabber mouth, and I know nobody wants anyone to know about a drunken tattoo," I told her. She put her phone down and kept eating.

"Who have you met in the band?" Hannah asked.

"I can't remember his name, but he's tall and blonde."

"You met Luke," Hannah explained. Hannah started telling me all about the boys from videos she had seen on YouTube. "They're not really famous. They barely have 120,000 followers on Twitter." She continued to tell me more.

"It seems like you really like Calum," I said.

"He might be my favorite," Hannah said. "I don't know."

I looked at the time on my phone. "We should get going," I told her. "You take the trash. I did it last." Hannah sighed and snatched up the trash. She stumbled over and threw out the wrappings and used napkins. We walked to the car with no words, but we were smiling. The car ride was filled with us both singing along with the radio. When we got home, we didn't do anything exciting. We decided to watch a movie: The Wizard of Oz. It was just to kill time.

"This was Mom's favorite," Hannah said. I nodded. Hannah could relate a lot of things to our parents. It was a habit after two years.

"Are you sure you want to watch it?" I asked. She put it in and came over and sat beside me. She nodded. We watched it with laughs and 'remember when's.

"Remember when Mom would sing along?"

"Remember when Mom would just dying from laughter?"

"Remember when Dad got so sick of this movie that he hid it in the closet?"

It was so fun to talk about. It was fun to talk with my sister. We connected over a boy in a band. If I knew that would help our poor relationship, I would've found Ashton a while back. I just don't see how it helped this fast.

"I'm really tired," Hannah said after a while of it being dead silent.

"I'll see you in the morning," I called to her as she headed upstairs.

"Same," she said as she continued.

I had nothing to do now. I could text my friends but what friends? They're all off to college and making more friends. I talk to them occasionally, but we're not as close. I had left Ashton hanging for a while, so I decided to text him back.

"I don't think I'm free this weekend," I texted Ashton. I felt like the reply was instant.


"Actually, it's my sister. I can't leave her alone." Even though Hannah is 15, I don't feel comfortable leaving her alone. Plus, she'd blow my phone up.

"I just want to be shown around town. Bring Hannah along."

"I'll ask her about it. I'll text you tomorrow," I sent. He replied with a goodnight text, but I just didn't respond. I decided to watch some of the videos that Hannah told me about earlier today. I wanted to find out more about this guy. From what I know, he could be a drunk who could have a ton of arrow heart tattoos on him who likes to go around stores saying he is in a band and asks for a tour around town.

I watched a few videos.

I actually liked what I saw from him but 'not like that'.

(A/N- Short update, but I hope to have an Ashton POV. I enjoy writing his POV the most. I'll try to update again this weekend, but I'll be really busy... We'll see.)

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