chapter one

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alone together

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alone together

Sasha Carter stirred to the horrendous sound of her alarm coming from her phone on the night stand. Her hand extended to reach to dismiss the alarm, more so, the profound annoyance due to the pounding hangover. After a few attempts of grasping the phone to shut off the alarm, Sasha succeeded. Her eyes fluttering open to a bedroom that indeed wasn't hers. Surveying the plain gray walls and clothes scattered on the wooden floors to the presence of the sleeping man next to her. She washed a hand over her face to see the time. "Shit." Cursing under her breath if she wanted to arrive on time for work, she'll need to leave now.

Looking down after picking up the comforter and dropping her feet onto the wooden floor, she noticed the oversized shirt which she must've slipped on before knocking out. Sasha quickly exchanged out of it and into her clothes from last night after finding a Lyft driver. She kept peering over her shoulder several times as she tried not to wake up the suitor of the night. Sasha likes to keep her morning after conversations with her one night stands at a minimum. Sometimes, she prays that they'll sleep through when she sneaks out of their place.

One night stands mean nothing more as defined to Sasha. Just an impulsive hook up out of lust and drinks. No strings attached.

Approaching the bedroom door, Sasha turned one more time to see the shirtless man under the covers too deep in slumber to notice the empty bedside. She sighed in relief and quickly left through the door.

Lucky enough, she hadn't come across any of his housemates making her exit. By the time she walked out of the front door, her Lyft driver arrived to make this walk of shame a little less embarrassing. The sunlight caused her to grimace at the brightness, shielding her eyes as she headed towards the car.

When the Lyft driver pulled up to the Grant residence, Sasha thanked them and exited out of the car. She traveled towards the front door while taking out the house keys. Ever since her mother's passing, Sasha moved into her aunt Athena and uncle Michael's home. Of course, independence is granted at the age of 18 or somewhere in your 20s to move out on your own. Or, with friends that you've planned for more spontaneous adventures.

Sasha did sort out a timeframe to move out of her aunt and uncle's home. Although neither mind how long it would be because she's family, especially for losing one parent after the other years apart. Also, Harry and May loved their older cousin living with them. Mostly May, who looked up to her for sisterly advice and Sasha had been an only child, so it benefited both young women. Especially in one of toughest transitions for the Grant family with her aunt Athena and uncle Michael's separation.

The three cousins were seated in front of Michael and Athena one night where Michael came out to them. Sasha wasn't surprised since her uncle confided in her separately. Only because Sasha was speculating their relationship as she noticed the cold shoulder her aunt Athena gave off early on.

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