chapter thirty

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baby's first christmas

"Hey, I'll be coming home a little later because your sister invited me to get out nails done after shift."

Sasha stood at the call center after clocking out for the day. She leaned on the counter in the breakroom talking to Buck. When she came to work in the morning, Maddie ambushed with an idea to take a deserving trip to the nail salon at the end of the day. Since the set Sasha had for some time that shown desperate need for another, she didn't hesitate to say yes. Besides, some alone time before returning home to her boyfriend and daughter wouldn't be too bad.

A chuckle was heard on the line, "That's fine by me. It is sad that you're missing tummy time. Monet is rolling over like crazy." He overexaggerated in a playful tone.

"I bet she is." She mused. "I'll catch her next time in action."

From afar in the conference room, Josh peered at Sasha on the phone then reverted to Maddie. "So, your role is to help get Sasha pampered by going to the nail salon. He's not proposing, right?" He quirked his eyebrow.

She dismissed his guess quickly, "Oh no, I thought of the idea to get our nails done and picked her dress. He needed me to distract her to spare him time for the pre-date set up at the apartment, take Monet to my place for the night, and get himself ready."

"Sounds like your brother is quite the romantic." He teased, although getting to know Buck and seeing the way he treats Sasha so well was the least surprising.

"I'll give him some credit, but he needed his older sister like always." Maddie winked. "You and Yas should come over for a game night, by the way. Chimney will be there to babysit Monet with me. He's actually been helping my brother all day." She mentioned about her boyfriend's agenda on his day off.

His face ignited in amusement, "Are you two practicing for a baby of yours in the future?" He wiggled his brows causing Maddie to scoff in disbelief.

"There is no practicing for a baby." She declared in a firm tone. "We both agreed that babies are not the plan, right now. We're happy where we are at in our relationship." She recalled a month and half ago the conversation they had in his kitchen.

Josh surrendered his hands in response by the time Sasha came around and approached the duo.

"Ready to go?"

Maddie looped her arm with Sasha's, "Yes, let's go get our nails done!" She beamed. The two waved off to Josh on their way out of the call center finished for the day.

The trip to the nail salon was pleasant as the two were satisfied with their new set. When Maddie drove them to Sasha's apartment complex, Sasha offered the brunette to come inside to join her and Buck for dinner to which Buck wouldn't mind his older sister's company. However, Maddie declined by using the excuse that she has plans with Chimney though a true fact. Sasha nodded, teasing her friend about her plans before exiting the car. Maddie watched Sasha enter inside the building to then grab her phone and notify her little brother.

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