chapter nine

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a christmas opportunity

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a christmas opportunity

"This is gorgeous, Aunt Athena." Sasha and May surrounded Athena in awe of the sparkling diamond engagement ring on the woman in the living room. The duo arrived home with Harry after grabbing dinner and a movie together to be sat down by the newly engaged couple of the news.

Bobby made Athena happy, and it clearly showed by her smile and adoring looks towards the man. He has become a delightful addition to this family in showcasing his devotion to Athena and her family. They all loved Bobby and his presence at the house between the profound bond and his skillful cooking to cater delicious meals.

"It's beautiful, mom. I didn't know Bobby has some taste," May stunned by the rock gleaming on her mother's hand.

He chuckled a bit when he and Harry entered the room. "Had to get the best for the woman that I love." He gushed, handing his fiancé her glass of wine before pecking her lips.

"What do you think baby?" Athena loomed over at Harry bringing in a game board.

Harry lifted his eyes after resting the game board on the table, shrugging. "It looks nice and expensive." His comment caused the room to erupt in laughter.

A knock on Sasha's bedroom door earned her attention while in the middle of wrapping presents. She placed the final piece of tape onto the wrapping paper. Her door creaked open unveiling Athena carrying in a big container in her hands.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting," Athena hauled herself inside the bedroom and shut it close with the back of her foot.

"I just finished wrapping Harry's present, so, I'm glad that it was you instead of him." Sasha giggled, rising from the chair at her desk to settle next to her aunt on the bed. "Now, what did you bring here?" She craned her head and examined the items filled inside the container.

Athena opened the top, "While rummaging through Christmas decorations, I found this container that your mother stored mementos of your childhood." She mentioned, pulling out a scrapbook in which Sasha's parents incorporated of Sasha's first year into the world along with baby clothes, toys, and more memorable items. "There's more, of course."

Sasha grappled a pink and white onesie for a newborn with little lambs on a crescent moon. "I know we have no idea what the gender is. I thought to bring it out for the occasion of you becoming a first time mother." Her aunt commented, flipping through the scrapbook.

"Maybe I'll have a baby girl later in the future, who knows." Sasha scanned through several more baby clothes and toys.

"Your mother always had this natural glow, so beautiful." Athena glanced at a picture of her late sister-in-law 8 months pregnant with Sasha. "Don't know how my brother managed to get her still." She joked.

"I used to think mom was a Disney princess," Sasha fondly recalled about her mother. "Perhaps her beauty and soft spoken voice made me believe."

Athena nodded in agreement, laughing. "You're not wrong. Although, your mother always held her ground which your grandmother adored about her. She was perfect to her and for my brother." She was nervous for Sabrina to meet her parents solely her mother. However, Sabrina enlightened Beatrice and received immediate open arms into the family like Emmett.

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