chapter twenty four

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the unforeseen lawsuit

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the unforeseen lawsuit

Early morning at the dispatch call center, Josh and Maddie sat comfortably in the break room. The two were sharing a coffee and conversation before clocking in for their shift. Maddie had confided in Josh about date ideas with Chimney. Soon enough, her friend rambled on about this chic restaurant the couple should check out. He opted to message a friend who works there for a good table.

Meanwhile, a grumbling Sasha stomped inside the break room. She headed straight towards the coffeemaker to which she has been aching to have this morning rush. All she needed was a fresh taste of coffee, she thought. Yet the universe seems to not be on her side today after discovery an empty the empty pot.

"Seriously?!" She exasperated, flailing her arms.

Maddie and Josh casted over to their disheveled friend appearing to be at her breaking point. Immediately, the duo rushed to her side with concerned faces. "Hey Sasha, is everything alright?"

Sasha snapped her head with eyes of fury. "No, everything is not alright, Josh. I had a bad night and morning. All I crave for is one cup of coffee which is apparently impossible." She exclaimed through her rant.

For a brief moment of silence, Maddie shared a perplexed look with Josh. She rested a comforting hand upon Sasha's shoulder, slowly guiding to the table. "Let's get you a muffin or croissant that Melissa brought for everyone while Josh fixes you up a cup of coffee." She proposed in a calming tone.

Once seated, Sasha began nibbling on the chocolate chip muffin presented to her. She blew through her lips, flicking towards Josh then Maddie. "I'm sorry. Evan and I got into an argument. Monet was restless for part of the night. Then I slept through my alarm, hence, the headband. It's been rough." She giggled humorously, earning rubs on her back.

"Okay, I was about to ask if something happened after we left your place last night." Josh said from the kitchen.

Maddie quirked her brow, tilting her head. "What did you and my brother fight about?"

The apartment welcomed Buck with silence that night. He assumed his sister, Yasmin, and Josh had left after their hangout. Sasha had them over for dinner and drinks to cheer up Yasmin who is going through a breakup with Adam. The two had been dating for almost a year until her boyfriend was offered a job out in D.C. It was considered to be the last thread of their relationship since feelings for each other began to disperse in recent months.

He shut the door behind him quietly. The last thing he wanted to do is disturb the peace, more specifically, waking up his daughter who tends to fight from sleeping. He removed his jacket while strolling towards the kitchen hearing the faucet running. There stood his girlfriend rinsing the last batch of dishes.

"Hey, everyone left?" He entered slowly to the counter. Instead of being met with a usual greeting smile from Sasha, there was an icy feeling radiating. His assumptions furthered when she didn't bother to look at him and merely nodded in response.

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