chapter twenty seven

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old wounds

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old wounds

Buck's Jeep rolled up to the Grant-Nash home shifting to park and then shutting the engine off. Looking into the rearview mirror, his brow cocked. "So, you're telling me that we're here for this family dinner to be buffers for May and her boyfriend?" He repeated to what Sasha entailed him on the way.

Sitting in the backseat, Sasha peered into the carrier where Monet was in deep slumber. "Yes, and his name is Darius. May is just nervous to introduce him to the family, specifically her mom. Which is why she asked me to be there for moral support and to mediate the conversation in case it gets too intense." She locked eyes with his through the reflection. "Considering we both know how my aunt can be. This dinner will be more of an interrogation. It's already nerve wracking for teenage girls to invite someone new to meet their parents or family."

"I remembered when Maddie stressed the first time Doug came over to the house." He reminisced then snarled. "Hated that guy that very first moment."

"Well, you had good intuition about that one."

They exited out of the vehicle and began walking towards the front door. Buck held the carrier while Sasha grabbed the diaper bag.

A smirk enveloped upon her lips causing her to nudge him. "You know, one day Monet will be bringing home someone special to her." She teased, knowing it'll rile her boyfriend up.

He shot a dark glare and huffed. "Our daughter is not dating until she's like 30."

"Like that ever stop guys like you," Sasha retorted, knocking the door without sparing a look to get his reaction though she knew her response left him tongue tied. She did hear him grumbling behind her before the door opened by an anxious May.

Dinner commenced when the guest honor arrived. Small exchanges at the table occurred mostly by Sasha lightening the slight tension brewing. However, she couldn't do much by the one look of Athena Grant darting at the teenage boy at the other end of the table. The awareness of others at the table knew very well as if she was lioness rounding to catch its prey.

Athena sipped her wine without breaking her stare at the teenage boy. Once the glass had been set down, she spoke. "So, Darius...May tells me that you're not going to college next fall."

"No, Ms., uh, Ms. Grant." Darius started to stammer out due to nerves. When he called the woman, the wrong last name given Michael shooting a look, he corrected himself. "Mrs. Nash. Um, I'm taking a gap year and then hopefully Stanford." He tugged a small grin with the hope to delight May's parents.

Impressive looks shared among the table. Michael grinned, "Stanford is a great school."

Sasha smiled softly at the boy, "It is. My dad went to Stanford. What do you plan on studying?" She asked curiously.

"Well, both of my parents are doctors..."

"Same with my dad, right aunt Athena?" She perked at the older woman whose attention is mainly directed upon Darius.

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