chapter seven

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take a chance on me

Sasha shook her head in disbelief at the news sighting that morning. She threw the last piece of her muffin into her mouth while her eyes remained intact to the tv display in the breakroom along with a few colleagues. Apparently, a woman decided to wake up this morning and stand in front of the freeway sign. She called out for her husband named Norman seeming to never has his attention back at home. Perhaps, showing everything to the public will change gears in her marriage.

She threw the wrapper into the trash and wiped her hands before grabbing her cup of tea to begin her shift. Once, settling into the chair and putting on the headset- she pressed the button to answer a call.

"911. What is your emergency?"

On the other line, a frantic man responded. "Yeah, it's my wife. She's lost her mind. She's-she's on a freeway sign."

Sasha furrowed her eyebrows, "Norman? Is that you?"

"Yes, this is Norman. This is Norman!" He exclaimed.

She lifted her eyes at the tv screen to see the situation at the freeway escalating. "Norman, where are you?"

"Stuck in the backup. One exit south."

Nodding along, Sasha continued to type along on the computer. "I'm sending someone to you." She managed to call in for assistance of an officer with the hopes of ending this morning's entertainment.

The sound of Athena smashing the mashed potatoes in the pot blaring in the household could entail her feelings about this special gathering. Sasha, May, and Harry were setting up the table with an additional plate for Michael's boyfriend Glenn. They all spared alarmed looks, noting the distress unleashing from Athena in preparing for this dinner.

Thankfully, Bobby's presence sets a balance for everyone and support for Athena. "Just relax. Everything's gonna be fine. We'll have a nice evening. Good food. Pleasant conversation." He soothed after stealing the utensil from her grasp.

"Yeah. Well, I'd rather be spending it with just us. Not us and the kids and my ex and his boyfriend." She rambled on in the kitchen.

"Thanks a lot, mom. I love you, too." Harry commented.

Athena rebutted, turning the faucet on. "Oh, don't be smart. You know I didn't mean the three of you."

Sasha spun around after setting a dish on the table, humming out. "Not sure if I should be offended that I'm grouped as one of the kids."

Bobby stifled a chuckle as Athena waved off her niece. "You know I consider you as my kid, Sasha." She looked over at her boyfriend. "I just feel bad that you're spending your night off dealing with our family drama."

"Well, didn't you reschedule this three times, so I could be here to act as a human shield?" Bobby mused.

May let out scoff, "Are you shielding mom or Glenn?"

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