chapter twenty eight

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icy confessions

Buck and Sasha closed the door to their apartment after bidding their goodbyes to Sasha's family that evening. They hosted one last dinner for her grandparents, Janelle and Victor who were flying back home the next day. Sasha hadn't realized how fast the week surpassed during their visit to celebrate her mother's birthday. Although, she was completely immersed in spending time with her family and celebrating this year with Buck and their daughter Monet couldn't have felt more special.

Soft lips pressed against Sasha's temple along with an arm slinging around her shoulders. She beamed up at Buck and leaned into his body before strolling to the living room.

"Thanks for sticking around to help us clean up." Sasha spoke, seeing the brunette cradling a sleeping Monet in her arms.

Yasmin sent her a look, "I couldn't miss one last dinner with Grandma Janelle and Grandpa Victor. Plus, I love spending time with my goddaughter." She cooed.

"She seems tired out from all the attention." The mother mused with a small giggle. She slipped away from Buck's hold to lift Monet out of Yasmin's arms. "I'll take her to bed." She caressed her daughter's face then traveled into the hallways towards the nursery.

Yasmin eyed Buck watching his girlfriend leaving until he returned her gaze. She curved a mischievous smile then tossed a dish rag for him to catch due to quick reflexes. "I wash and you dry?" She said more of a demanding tone than a questioning one.

The water ran down when Yasmin turned the sink faucet applying liquid soap and rinsing the dishes. Meanwhile, Buck dried every dish passed on by the brunette after placing on the dish rack. He stacked the clean plates to set them back in the cabinet. 

Yasmin's lips parted to speak, "I must admit you are really something, Buckley."

"In a good or bad way..." He narrowed at the brunette.

"Good," She snorted at the confusion contorted on his face. "Ever since you came into Sasha's life, I've never seen her happier."

Yasmin snuck a glance at Buck, continuing. "You and I both know she's dealt with a pile of hardships—one that no child should have to experience with growing up. She always puts on a brave face even her mother has mentioned to me." She sighed at the memory of Sabrina, another mother figure in her life. "I believe after her mother's passing; she accepted a life of solitude because I don't think she could handle another loss. The anniversaries are harder enough to carry upon her shoulders."

He sighed roughly, lowering his gaze to the now dried bowl. "I can tell. She lied about being with you on her mother's death anniversary."

"Yeah, I felt guilty that I couldn't be with her on that day." She frowned slightly. "But I'm glad that she has you now. Although, neither of you planned to have my wonderful goddaughter." The two erupted into chuckles on how a one-night stand led them here. "Anyways, the universe works in mysterious ways. I think Sasha needed someone to show her to not be afraid of love which I'm certain she craved deeply from seeing her parents."

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