chapter thirty two

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overcoming life obstacles 

Another sunny day in Los Angeles couldn't be more perfect to be out in the fresh air. Like others, Sasha and Michael didn't waste it by having a picnic at the park. They sat under slight shade from a tree on a large blanket. Enough space for Monet to crawl as she's become active to wander in her surroundings. Both adults found themselves rather entertained by the infant's thrill of curiosity. Michael had watched his niece calling out his granddaughter upon an attempt to leave the blanket. With one stern look, Monet pivoted her little body returning to the latter. 

Sasha arched her brow when the older man bit out a chuckle, "What?"

"Nothing, just seems like someone has the "Athena" look down." He remarked teasingly, earning a scoff and an eye roll. "I'm playing with you. It's amazing to see you as a mother. Along with seeing my first grandchild growing up so fast." He scooped up the infant, who reached out to touch his face.

"Feels like yesterday I brought her home from the hospital."

Monet's legs wobbled as she stood upon her grandfather's lap. "Has she started walking yet?" He questioned.

"Not yet. She's made a few attempts. Evan has been trying to encourage her by diving in a rabbit hole of YouTube videos." Sasha recalled recent moments where Monet has persisted to grasp on anything to stand up. Although, she's more into the comfort of crawling around crazy in the apartment. She cannot imagine how it'll be like when she actually starts walking. "He's bribed her with food a few days ago."

Michael laughed, "I can't deny that I've done that with May and Harry. Your dad did that as well with you."

"Yeah, there's a video that my mom showed me."

Sasha observed on the sidelines of her uncle and daughter bonding. Monet babbled to the older man who pretended to be intrigued by their conversation with her while playing with her toys. Then him whispering sweet words when he fed her a bottle. This moment conjured the thoughts that plagued her mind ever since his announcement to decline the brain tumor surgery. He meant the world to her—he graciously took the role as her father since Mason's death. She couldn't be grateful to not only have one yet two fathers that cared about her.

To process the thought of him leaving isn't something she's prepared for. So, she couldn't imagine May and Harry were.

Her eyes fell onto her daughter who finished her bottle. "So, I know you're adamant on the surgery—"

"Sasha," Michael's face falter at the despair upon her face.

She knitted her brows, biting down her lip. "A-Are you sure, though?"

"I am sure." He declared in a confident tone. He moved Monet from his shoulder to sit on his lap. "It doesn't mean I'm giving up. I'm going through another treatment of radiation. My doctor enlisted me on this trial for this chemotherapy pill for shrinking tumors."

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