chapter twenty nine

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college essays and mushy green peas, oh my

Sasha skimmed through one of several clothing racks at the store she and Yasmin walked into. The duo arrived from a planned lunch date for the weekend. Now, they were at the mall to browse for Yasmin's upcoming holiday vacation with her family in the next month. 

"Okay, so what do you think of this dress for a date?" Yasmin garnered Sasha's attention with a strapless dark green cocktail dress.

Retrieving an item onto the rack, Sasha's lips parted in amusement. "Ooh...that's a hot dress. Who are we going on this date with?" She inquired since her best friend felt confident in moving on with her life since the breakup. 

"This guy I met on a dating app."

They surveyed the following sections when they furthered into the store. Sasha observed the brunette shuffling through the clothes. "Can you spare the details about this guy?" She wondered curiously, eyeing a top until frowning at the realization her size was nowhere to be found. 

"His name is Greg. He's an accountant and loves the gym." Yasmin simply told from the top of her head about the man. "We're just going out for drinks. I'm not looking for a relationship, let alone a serious one. So, it'll likely be a hook up."

"Good for you."

An elated gasp left the brunette's lips when she moved to another part of the section. Her hand pulled out a dress and then held it against her best friend. "You should get this! Wear it for a date night with Buck. No doubt this guy would lose it the second he sees you in this." She winked at her. 

Biting her lip, Sasha couldn't deny how fitting the dress would be on her. Buck was stunned with her Halloween costume, now she pondered for his reaction in the dress Yasmin was practically shoving into her hands. The thought made her sigh, "Possibly, but don't think this dress will be worn out for the non-existent date nights along with the previous ones." She stalked to another part of the store for a pair of jeans. 

Yasmin rushed next to her with the dress still in her possession. "Wait, you two haven't gone out on a date since having Monet at all?" 

"A lot can happen in a few months to prevent one, Yas." Sasha began, whisking two pairs of jeans that caught her eye. "Adjusting with a newborn, being Evan's part time caretaker, doctor appointments, him returning to train for his certification, me going back to work, the lawsuit..." She listed out in a casual tone. 

"But you guys at least had sex."

Sasha remained quiet for a moment. She finally turned to the brunette, shaking her head. "There's been times where we almost though the window is very limited." Back to where the couple presumed spared time was given before Buck's surprise party, Monet had interrupted the heated session. And with life happening rapidly, there was only willing time for them to have alone time. 

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