chapter twenty one

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a setback

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a setback

"You got lucky. Most people who suffer a pulmonary embolism don't do it surrounded by trained medical professionals. It saved your life."

The doctor enlightened to Buck sitting in bed in the ER, who responded with a weak grin. Right after Buck's gory incident in Bobby and Athena's backyard, he was rushed to the ER. Sasha, Maddie, and Chimney stood at the end of the bed anticipating news from the doctor.

Sasha with her arms folded, cleared her throat to ask the one question which plagued everyone's mind. "So, what caused the blood clot?"

"Clots, plural." The doctor corrected. "There's the one that hit his lungs, and then there's two more in his leg. As to the cause? It's unclear."

"Yeah, but he just got a clean bill of health last week. This came out of nowhere." Chimney pointed out to everyone's knowledge of the blond's health status.

However, the doctor furrowed at the remark. "Did it? No pain or tenderness in the leg? Skin discoloration, swelling?" His eyes landed on his patient for an answering.

The trio followed his gaze where they noticed the blond's face faltered. "I thought I just pulled a muscle or something. Okay. I-I've been training for my LAFD recertification test." He stumbled out on his words, avoiding their gazes.

"Well, it's not surprising. Training hard can lead to dehydration, which can increase the risk of clots." He informed to the group.

"Okay, um, well, great. Look, I'm not dead." Buck proclaimed, becoming restless in the ER. "You found the clots. When can I get out of here?" He asked.

"We'll move you to a room. Keep you on the anticoagulants. Tomorrow, we'll run some more tests. And then, we'll see." The doctor entailed, closing the file then stalk off to attend to his other patients for the rest of the night.

Chimney nodded shortly while Sasha and Maddie lingered their stare upon the blond. "Thanks, doc." He wavered his eyes back to the two women and from their stoic expressions indicated his cue. "You know what, I'm gonna go tell everyone that you're okay. Let them know that you're staying awhile, all right?"

Buck switched between his girlfriend remaining in her stance and fiddling with her necklace then to his older sister circling around the bed with a visible disapproving look. One to which made him feel nervous though aware of the incoming lecture. He licked his lips as his hands fidgeted on his lap once she opened her mouth.

"When did your leg start bothering you?"

A rough sigh escaped his mouth, "Like a day or two ago." He tried to explain himself further. "Maddie, I-I was not ignoring this, okay? I-I didn't know what it was. I thought I had a leg cramp or something. Sasha, I swear." He flickered a pleading look to his girlfriend.

Sasha blinked and took a sharp inhale, "Mhm...well you need to be more careful. Like your doctor said, you were lucky to be surrounded by medical professionals. Because bearing the thought of this to happen if you were alone or watching our daughter—" She felt her chest tightened and swallowing a thick lump formed in her throat. "I don't want to even finish the rest of that. I need to call my aunt Alisha to check in on Monet." She rushed out, ignoring the protests of her boyfriend.

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