chapter thirty five

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from old to new memories

"What'd you think, babe? That was one hell of a dispatch call. Big fire and no fatalities. Did you catch the link I sent you from the article?" Buck beamed to Sasha on facetime back at the apartment when he clocked out of his shift. 

Sasha gave him a short nod with a light smile. "I did. It's always good to hear that nobody was harm in such a dangerous predicament." She paused, sitting down on the bed while keeping the phone leveled to her face. "However, I can't deny seeing that video of you doing a rope rescue and falling gave me a slight heart attack." 

The pointed look and stern tone he received from his girlfriend caused him to stifle a chuckle. He hummed, "The only thing that matters is we saved that woman. And you don't need to worry when my team has my back."

"It would be insane if I didn't worry about you. I am proud of you though."

"Thank you. I wish you were here to celebrate with me." He frowned slightly. 

Sasha mimicked his expression, sighing out. "Likewise. Your girls wished you came down to Florida." Her eyes averted from the screen to the bedroom that once belonged to her father transformed into a guest room. Meanwhile, her grandparents had left Athena's the way it was since she left to college. She couldn't blame them to completely change Mason's room due to their inability to step inside where their son grew up in. 

Mason's memory continues to live on in the home where pieces from his room were displayed around. Sasha kept a couple of those mementos when Sabrina had been gifted of his belongings from Beatrice and Samuel. 

"I doubt Yasmin would agree with you." He jokingly said. "The apartment feels empty and a little lonely."

"Thank you for at least trying to sound sad since you're baby free this week." She enthused, earning an eye roll from her boyfriend. "So, are you and the team going out to the bar to celebrate that big fire save?"

His face faltered at the mention of his colleagues. "Unfortunately, it's just going to be me celebrating. Bobby, Hen, Chimney have their dates and then Eddie hosting a sleepover for Christopher's friends. I really do wish you and Monet were home." This was the first and farthest their little family to be apart.  It's been about two years since Buck has lived alone. Coming home to an empty apartment felt different significantly.

"Despite the fact that everyone is busy, you should really go out tonight because you do deserve to treat yourself. I would pack my bags and fly back to be with you if it wasn't for disrupting preparation to fly with our nine-month-old baby." Like any new parent, flying for the first time with your child can be a little overwhelming to endure the unpredictable. With Buck unable to take time off, Yasmin offered to accompany Sasha and Monet on their trip to Florida to visit her grandparents. Sasha couldn't be happier to have her best friend by her side in what felt a distressing time. 

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